Forum Discussion

  • In-depth Troubleshooting Guide for Exit Status Code 213 in NetBackup Server (tm) / NetBackup Enterprise Server (tm) 5.0 / 5.1

    Status code 213 falls into six main categories:

    1. Prior to NetBackup 4.5 FP3 it was mandatory the master and media servers be at the same

    NetBackup version/patch level. For these versions, the cause of a status code 213 is the media

    server not being the same version as the master.

    2. Storage unit(s) incorrectly configured.

    3. Policy has storage unit set to “any available” and drives are down.

    4. The bpcd process is not listening.

    5. There is a hostname or IP resolution issue and the master server cannot communicate with the

    media server, or vice-versa.

    6. Within an SSO environment, drives are over-committed

    Message Edited by Bob Stump on 08-08-200711:04 PM

  • In-depth Troubleshooting Guide for Exit Status Code 219 in NetBackup Server (tm) / NetBackup Enterprise Server (tm) 5.0 / 5.1

    This error occurs when the NetBackup scheduler process (bpsched) cannot find the specified

    Storage Units available for use. The policy or schedule for the backup requires a specific Storage

    Unit, which is currently unavailable. This error also occurs for other attempts to use the Storage

    Unit within the current backup session. The first priority should be to determine which Media

    Server and Storage Unit is writing the backup that fails with the Status 219.

    Message Edited by Bob Stump on 08-08-200711:06 PM

  • Hi Bob
    I am really thankful for  your message regarding errors 213 and 219, I found your 6 points for the cause of error 213 is usefull to me ,But in your second message regarding 219 may be you had explained again about Status code 213  ie bpsched did not find storage units avail...... .
    With regards
  • I am surprised to see a response to a post that is over 2 years old. But thank you and you are welcome.