Different Problem while Upgrade to 8.0 from 7.1.04
Hello All,
We want to upgrade our NetBackup environment from 7.1.04 to 8.0 from a Solaris 10 (Physical Sparc )to a Redhat 6.7 (VmWare Virtual Machine). Following the upgarding steps we were proceeding but we got different troubles.
We did followings:
1. We installed 7.1 NetBackup on the new Virtual Machine (our future master server)
2. Ran Catalog Restore via cmd line bprecover -wizard (selecting the last good Full Catalogbackup file).
3. Upgraded to patch level 7.1.04.
4. We then upgraded to 8.0
And now we tested if we can run a backup (by creatinga test policy where storage unig is a local basic disk) but we got this status code 2106.
when i ran the following command :
[root@franbp1 opt]# nbdevquery -listdp -stype BasicDisk -U
Disk Pool Name : catalogbackup
Disk Pool Id : INValid
Disk Type : BasicDisk
Status : UP
Flag : Patchwork
Flag : SingleStorageServer
Flag : AdminUp
Flag : InternalUp
Flag : SpanImages
Flag : BasicStaging
Flag : FragmentImages
Flag : CatalogBackup
Flag : Cpr
Flag : RandomWrites
Flag : FT-Transfer
Raw Size (GB) : 344.91
Usable Size (GB) : 344.91
High Watermark : 98
Low Watermark : 80
Num Volumes : 1
Max IO Streams : -1
Comment : Generic disk group
Storage Server : enigmab (UP)
[root@franbp1 opt]#
I saw 'Disk Pool Id' is invalid is it normal to see this.
Also please note we also tried to upgarde the software like following then we had following error
I checked the checksum of the tar zip files of the Patch on the Netbackup web site which matched to my server's md5sums checksum.
Hope anybody can help on this?
Also we have tried doing as followings Step 1,3 and then Step 2 but then we had another issue that is we could not recover the catalogs. We got following error:
[root@enigmab etc]# bprecover -wizard
Welcome to the NetBackup Catalog Recovery Wizard!
Please make sure the devices and media that contain catalog disaster recovery
data are available
Are you ready to continue?(Y/N)
Invalid option. Please enter Y or N
Please specify the full pathname to the catalog disaster recovery file:
bprecover: symbol lookup error: /usr/openv/lib/libVdb.so: undefined symbol: db_OpenImgWithLockByPathNb
[root@enigmab etc]#
You and your colleague posted about the same issue:
Maybe decide which post to go ahead with and consolidate efforts and replies.