With AIR, you configure the backup to your OST appliance, followed by replication to the OST appliance at the remote site.
At the end of the replication, the catalog info about replicated backups will be imported on the remote master.
Most 'other vendor appliances' support AIR - see the NBU HCL:
8.2 - 8.x.x: HTML | PDF
8.0 - 8.1.x: HTML | PDF
So, the backup images as well as catalogs are all replicated to the remote site with no need to replicate the catalogs.
The URL in your opening post is for replication of an entire catalog volume with supported replication technology, e.g. hardware array replication or Veritas Volume Replication.
This section in the HA Guide is useful in a tape environment :
In full catalog replication, all parts of the catalog are replicated to the secondary master server. In full catalog replication, the tape information from the production domain, the media pool, and other assignments is retained. Backups can be run in the DR domain using the same policies and tapes that are used at the production domain.