Forum Discussion
Could be uesfull
- Leo46Level 3
We need this desperatlely!
- WarrenZALevel 3
There is definitly a need for a Netbackup management pack for SCOM 2012, we have several clients who need this funtionality.
- Michael_G_AnderLevel 6
Have created the idea here
- RickardNellLevel 2
- Andre_VenterLevel 2
Do anyone know if the NetBackup maintenance pack for SCOM 2012 is available??
- Michael_G_AnderLevel 6
Have not seen anything about a SCOM 2012 MP unfortunately and I am told the SCOM 2007 MP is not trivial to get to work in SCOM 2012. Something to do with the difference in the discovery function in the two SCOM versions.
- Andre_VenterLevel 2
Thanks Michael for the feedback.....
- Lars_HesdorfLevel 2
We need it, that it - the sooner the better.
- jim_daltonLevel 6
As a never used NB with SCOM person, apart from a single point of monitoring, what is SCOM going to give me over and above Opscenters monitoring features? The normal SCOM agent will of course give you OS and etc. JIm
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