Forum Discussion

Botvitnik's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

DR NetBackup master backup from server1 to server2

Hi friends.


Our customer has Windows 2008R2 environment and need prepare description and test migration master backup server from server1 from primary locality to server2 from second locality with same HW configuration but different network.

My best test was so far, that I migrated backup server on different HW with same name, but after boot Windows some services don't started. After bpdown / bpup backup system work fine and restore file system data and MS-SQL database too.  


Does exist some best practice for this operaration, please ? Description from NetBackup Trouble shooting Guide NetBackup 7.1, pp. 180 isn't enough.


Thank you for your help.

Best regards.


  • Marianne and Martin.


    Thank you both for your help and your time. I know, as it is diffcult.

    At first step I will test DR catalog from disk replica to VM NB master backup

    server and data restore from physical media backup server with LTO 4 mechanik and with SL500

    library too. If can I need next license for VM, than I will repeat DR on physical NB master server with

    same name, but better.


    Thank you.


  • The ts guide is the offical documentation. The dr server needs to be identical, nb installed to same path, same drive letter (if windows), nb installed at exactly same version. The ip address can be different but the hostname must remain the same. Then using dr file from old server, recover the catalog, it is that straightforward. You have carried out the task successfully, ok, you had to restart the services, but after a recovery I don't think that is unreasonable, providing the system then works, which you confirmed it did. I think the ts guide covers all I have mentioned, there is not much else I can add, apart from deactivate any media servers if they do not exist on the dr side Dr tests do go wrong, but the examples that I have dealt with have usually been when the catalog and other bits have been copied across and someone has tried a shortcut etc. or hostnames have been changed or nbu installed at different path etc. A recovery to an identical server from tape is the most simple recovery , as opposed for example from recovering a catalog from copy two of an ost device which is a bit harder, and really is a case of making sure everything is identical,, then recovering the catalog. Martin
  • Is this post related to your DR-post: ?

    As you have seen in Troubleshooting Guide (and experienced) master server hostname must remain the same, NBU must be installed to the same drive letter/path.

    Also - as pointed out in your other post - your master needs to be a physical machine when using tape.

    TN about catalog recovery on DR master:

  • Marianne and Martin.


    Thank you both for your help and your time. I know, as it is diffcult.

    At first step I will test DR catalog from disk replica to VM NB master backup

    server and data restore from physical media backup server with LTO 4 mechanik and with SL500

    library too. If can I need next license for VM, than I will repeat DR on physical NB master server with

    same name, but better.


    Thank you.
