11 years agoLevel 6
DR test at another site
Need suggestion
Environment:NB 6.5 on Windows 2k8 & Datadomain
I have two sites with their individual NB Master servers. Backup at site A datadomain is duplicated to site B data domain using SLP.
Similarly Backup at site B datadomain is duplicated to site A datadomain.
I need to perform a DR test for
Site A and need to perform test
Restore using site B netbackup and SLP duplicated data available at site B. I need to make sure that catalog available at site B is not affected.
I have done this so far but reading some posts that say issues with running catsync command
1) add the duplicated datadomain to site b master. Configured storage server and diskpool.
2) I have the DR file from Site A.
How to safely proceed? Kindly suggest.
You should upgrade your environment, 6.5 is not supported anymore. In NetBackup 7.6 you can use AIR (Automated Image Replication) along with your datadomain replication (assuming the correct plugin levels and hardware compatibility) to replicate and import all the backup images from site A to site B and vice versa.
The catalog information from each backup images is automatically imported into the NetBackup domain it is being sent to. You can then easily, and without performing a complicated process, restore site A clients at Site B, and vice versa.
Yes... that workaround was fine back then... LOTS of manual steps and time consuming...
Thank goodness that AIR is now supported by NBU and DD.....