Forum Discussion

tsprouse94's avatar
Level 2
8 months ago

Drive Address 1 is already occupied by drive


We just lost the 2 guys that were taking care of Netbackup for us and I (no experience) am trying to pick up the slack / learn.  Backups that have been running fine for many months stopped running with the two tape drives showing as down.  They told me if I saw that the quick fix is to delete the tape / robot, reboot, and add it back.  However, when I use the Configure Storage Devices wizard after doing this  I can not attach the 2 drives (see attachments).  The message is "Drive Address 1 is already occupied by a drive"

I went through some other threads in this forum and conducted Google searches but nothing from that is sticking out as a possible fix.  Any advice on any additional commands to run to help identify the underlying issue that needs addressed. 

  • How many media servers do you have?

    From the screenshots, it is obvious that the host you are trying to configure has only one drive attached. And this is the third drive. The first and second drives are (possibly) attached to another server.
    This is not necessarily an error. It can be by design.

    Do you have any screenshots of the drive configuration before the deletion of the drives?

    I found it wrong to delete the drives without knowing the problem. Only some, very few problems are solved by reconfiguring the drives.

    • tsprouse94's avatar
      Level 2

      Yeah, I definitely did not feel right just deleting, rebooting, and trying to add them back but relied on their "expertise".  Unfortunately I have not found any documentation left behind that shows the known good configuration, something I am definitely doing as part of this process.

      There is just one physical backup server and those drives were all present under the Device Monitor section when they were in a down state / removed.

      • StefanosM's avatar
        Level 6

        then your problem is not netbackup.

        Your first step is to check the connection between netbackup host and the drives. (hardware, drivers, cables and FC zones or sas connections).

        All drives must be present at OS device manager and with driver loaded before configuring them to netbackup.