DSM has encountered the following busy resource (134)
Hi all,
anyone can help? i have a problem with Advanced Disk Pool when i tried to change state DOWN..
[root@SBY-NBUMASTER admincmd]# ./nbdevconfig -changestate -stype AdvancedDisk -dp MediaSBY4DPool -state DOWN
DSM has encountered the following busy resource: MediaSBY4DPool, mount point = /lun71
failed to change the state of disk pool, unable to process request because the server resources are busy
[root@SBY-NBUMASTER admincmd]# ./nbdevquery -listdv -U -stype AdvancedDisk -dp MediaSBY4DPool
Disk Pool Name : MediaSBY4DPool
Disk Type : AdvancedDisk
Disk Volume Name : /lun71
Disk Media ID : @aaaj7
Total Capacity (GB) : 15278.53
Free Space (GB) : 14867.72
Use% : 2
Status : UP
Flag : ReadOnWrite
Flag : AdminUp
Flag : InternalUp
Num Read Mounts : 0
Num Write Mounts : 1
Cur Read Streams : 0
Cur Write Streams : 1
Num Repl Sources : 0
Num Repl Targets : 0
Disk Pool Name : MediaSBY4DPool
Disk Type : AdvancedDisk
Disk Volume Name : /lun72
Disk Media ID : @aaaj8
Total Capacity (GB) : 15278.53
Free Space (GB) : 14396.04
Use% : 5
Status : UP
Flag : ReadOnWrite
Flag : AdminUp
Flag : InternalUp
Num Read Mounts : 0
Num Write Mounts : 1
Cur Read Streams : 0
Cur Write Streams : 0
Num Repl Sources : 0
Num Repl Targets : 0
[root@SBY-NBUMASTER admincmd]# ./nbrbutil -dump | grep Media-Server-SBY-4
[root@SBY-NBUMASTER admincmd]#
[root@SBY-NBUMASTER admincmd]# ./nbrbutil -dump | grep MediaSBY4DPool
[root@SBY-NBUMASTER admincmd]#
[root@SBY-NBUMASTER admincmd]# ./nbrbutil -dump | grep @aaaj7
[root@SBY-NBUMASTER admincmd]#
my question is how to release / kill zombie process on advanced disk pool (Cur Write Streams)? thanks a lot..
HI eryk_sun
Yes for that you will need to DOWN the pool.
Can you provide the output from the nbrbutil output (unfiltered - at least the otuput that relates to the disk pool).
If the system is quiet you could also consider trying "nbrbutil -resetALL" to see if you can clear the curr write stream.
I assume you have expired all images that reside on the volume you wish to remove.Cheers