Forum Discussion

Vince_Noir's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Duplicating to another disk or tape from an AdvancedDisk



I'm wanting to duplicate a number of images from one storage unit to another, to free up the disk shelf for redeployment. Using the catalog section, when I select duplicate from the top box, I can't select AdvancedDisk (only Basic Disk) so I can't search for the images to Duplicate.

Is there another way to do this when using an AdvancedDisk?



  • Okay... i have tested it in windows admin console..and its grayed out...


    but it do working in Java console as i said before... .. if you have java console you can try it.. else other option would be going with command line

    using bpduplicate command...

  • Hi there,


    because of the deduplication, even if U move some backup images your advanced drive will not become empty easely, 


    have U read this?



    best regards

  • Verify from the top box...and select advanced disk and do the search...

    once search results are displayed...

    change it to Duplicate in top box... DO NOT click on serch.

    just right click on the images from results.. that you got when it was Verify and do duplicate and go on...

  • Did you change it to Duplication in the Action drop down menu...?

    this is how i Do most of the cases...and it works for me all the time..with Java Console 

  • Yes it was on verify, I searched for the images on an Advanced Disk. I can see the results below. Then I change the Action top box from Verify to Duplication (i'm not clicking search now), right click image and I can't choose Duplicate as it's greyed out still. This is one the windows console though

  • Okay... i have tested it in windows admin console..and its grayed out...


    but it do working in Java console as i said before... .. if you have java console you can try it.. else other option would be going with command line

    using bpduplicate command...

  • What version of NetBackup ? - perhaps this is a known issue and there might be an EEB available.

    Just tested this on 7.6.1 and it works fine on the Admin console, with Duplicate selected in the top box I can select Advanced Disk as a disk type.

    As determined, if you serach for images using verify in the top box, you cannot duplicate any found as duplicate is greyed out on the right click menu, you have to search the times with duplicate in the top box as you have already found.