Forum Discussion

john10's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

Duplication job is failing with status code 228

Hi All,

We recently upgraded NetBackup Master/Media server from 7.0 to 7.6, after upgrading to 7.6 "nbsl &  NetBackup Vault Manager" are not coming up for the same i followed TECH55418 and rebooted the server from that time NBSL is up and running, but coming to "NetBackup Vault Manager" is not coming up and we configured Catalog backup initially to hard disk of Master server later will duplicate to Tape is failing with status code 228, could any 1 help me on this ?

Thanks in Advance

  • HI All,


    Thanks for your suggestion, 

    finally Sym Engineer found the issue,

    we found netbackup Directories in both D:\ & C:\ also , he just replaced the nblog.conf file in C:\ also , after that Vault is running fine and Duplication jobs also completing with out issue,

    and i'm not able to see full NBU master server folders in C:\, i checked with local SA also, but they also havent aware as we are able to see the folders data in C:\  as 2011
