Forum Discussion

PorcoDio's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Error 2820 on vmware policy restore



 when i try to perform vmware policy backup, have error 2820.

In this case i try to restore red hat vm, on different datastore but the same host, obviously i've changed display name because i don't want replace the original vm.

This is bpVMutils log

00:44:31.801 [5680.7656] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 0 0 _NONE_ 0
00:44:31.817 [5680.7656] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 0 ESXMount = 0 ESXserver = _NONE_, jobId = 0, flags = 0
00:44:31.833 [5680.7656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
00:44:31.833 [5680.7656] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 592
00:44:44.360 [5680.7656] <2> bpVMutil main: Saving vccedgeute002 guests to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-05680445294671817656000000000-a07656
00:44:44.376 [5680.7656] <2> get_VM_names_VMware: read for vccedgeute002
00:44:44.438 [5680.7656] <2> Cache for vccedgeute002 complete: bpVMutil
00:44:44.438 [5680.7656] <2> cache file for vccedgeute002 older than 8 hours, scheduling update: bpVMutil
00:44:44.438 [5680.7656] <2> bpVMutil main: save_guests returned 0 for vccedgeute002
00:44:44.438 [5680.7656] <2> Ending cached = 1, sched 1: bpVMutil
00:44:44.438 [5680.7656] <2> executeCmd: Executing cmd: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 0 8 _NONE_
00:44:44.438 [5680.7656] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
00:44:44.500 [6532.1376] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 0 8 _NONE_
00:44:44.500 [6532.1376] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 0 ESXMount = 8 ESXserver = _NONE_, flags = 0
00:44:44.500 [6532.1376] <2> Cache initialization requested: bpVMutil
00:44:44.516 [6532.1376] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
00:44:44.516 [6532.1376] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 616
00:44:46.638 [6532.1376] <2> bpVMutil main: Saving vccedgeute002 guests to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-06532445294684500376000000000-a01376
00:44:46.638 [6532.1376] <2> get_VM_names_VMware: read for vccedgeute002
00:44:57.433 [6532.1376] <2> get_VM_names_VMware: get_vSphere_VMs returned 0
00:44:57.433 [6532.1376] <2> get_VM_names_VMware: get_vSphere_VMs succeeded
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 42279d15-fd52-b41b-69f1-656a14b32f86 uuid and isp-gesicid001 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227b69c-d4f9-01c4-1b42-1ec6a080f332 uuid and isp-gesicidw001 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 42272a07-85e1-3ab8-4cb2-e586dcfa2e66 uuid and isp-gesiecicw001 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227597a-773a-d3c2-cdb4-475e6b377fb8 uuid and gesicin002 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227ed28-1f2b-ee8e-9350-52abf1fc7cb9 uuid and b_gesicid001 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227cb66-e683-294d-11b7-51994d708e67 uuid and sicidb01 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 422724ad-d14d-99f9-fdbf-df4c8c712151 uuid and sicinfs display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 42279574-66a8-2d0d-9b0e-c51e542f90d4 uuid and sicidweb01 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 42277301-a7fd-7c9f-4d31-d23449b5ebf9 uuid and siecicweb01 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 422737c4-5281-19e8-1a82-e93264acd92c uuid and sicil01 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501deeb3-d7fa-0b0b-47d1-296b848c9faa uuid and geminori03 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501dbfab-7352-2c66-f792-336bb602cb5f uuid and sicpgecaaa001 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d2456-a12f-def1-7a27-cfccd9a9c044 uuid and sicpgeldap001 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227f5b2-60ab-99ee-8964-5eb61e51159f uuid and jboss-ora11g display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d91ad-6e84-906b-156f-136ca81bb320 uuid and sicpgeca001 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d6fb5-d0b5-2233-c6c3-2790cebf42eb uuid and sicpgeconsole001 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d5f66-5e37-b23c-2b07-1aef9a080b4e uuid and TEST-CAAA-001 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 564def30-698a-26d7-1b6a-5562c2758405 uuid and MIG-ORACLE-001 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 421d0014-8df2-59dc-69d1-53702fc159f5 uuid and GEVM50 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227656a-fdf3-d440-9181-27f29c386e98 uuid and test_codige display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4214dbf4-339c-da99-a3f4-41af10945576 uuid and media360_restore display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d1b88-0472-04f1-74a1-fe261651591c uuid and geinfatti00_restore display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d8e7f-1a4e-f827-c42b-5f35f0de147d uuid and STORAGE display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501de1a9-031b-1faa-09d2-9383b0d51ecb uuid and geinfatti display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d354b-960f-45a1-fc53-b56ce2340e11 uuid and GEA013 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d40ef-765c-0a79-aa11-f0ac7e4e21a7 uuid and gevm19 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501dcc82-a332-e10f-0a7f-5891a1cd647a uuid and gevm17 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d1a4e-c2d9-13ba-9219-882e199a7b69 uuid and gevm12 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501da153-edd0-7123-3d0f-ae936462e6ae uuid and Genagios display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227fb07-f00e-6309-122c-52e93b1a2889 uuid and apcedgeute007 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501daf06-96eb-ad78-90c0-a272604aae63 uuid and GEMONIT01 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 42273f02-6021-fbff-e65d-57c6e5ad7696 uuid and harlock display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4214bdd5-3c41-fb47-76e4-b2dbf10a9984 uuid and geminori03_isp display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 421ff384-aec9-b407-000f-b04072101d87 uuid and sigpcad002 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227a788-9f6d-2cb1-7c3c-49638520c159 uuid and b_sicidged002 display name with from cache
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> Cache for vccedgeute002 complete: bpVMutil
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> bpVMutil main: save_guests returned 0 for vccedgeute002
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> Ending cached = 2, sched 0: bpVMutil
00:44:57.527 [6532.1376] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
04:48:26.990 [5900.5004] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 0 0 _NONE_ 0
04:48:27.005 [5900.5004] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 0 ESXMount = 0 ESXserver = _NONE_, jobId = 0, flags = 0
04:48:27.036 [5900.5004] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
04:48:27.036 [5900.5004] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 616
04:48:29.143 [5900.5004] <2> bpVMutil main: Saving vccedgeute002 guests to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-05900445309307005004000000000-a05004
04:48:29.143 [5900.5004] <2> get_VM_names_VMware: read for vccedgeute002
04:48:29.189 [5900.5004] <2> Cache for vccedgeute002 complete: bpVMutil
04:48:29.205 [5900.5004] <2> bpVMutil main: save_guests returned 0 for vccedgeute002
04:48:29.205 [5900.5004] <2> Ending cached = 1, sched 0: bpVMutil
04:48:29.205 [5900.5004] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
08:51:29.260 [7232.6704] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 0 0 _NONE_ 0
08:51:29.276 [7232.6704] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 0 ESXMount = 0 ESXserver = _NONE_, jobId = 0, flags = 0
08:51:29.292 [7232.6704] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
08:51:29.292 [7232.6704] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 588
08:51:31.600 [7232.6704] <2> bpVMutil main: Saving vccedgeute002 guests to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-07232445323889276704000000000-a06704
08:51:31.600 [7232.6704] <2> get_VM_names_VMware: read for vccedgeute002
08:51:31.647 [7232.6704] <2> Cache for vccedgeute002 complete: bpVMutil
08:51:31.647 [7232.6704] <2> cache file for vccedgeute002 older than 8 hours, scheduling update: bpVMutil
08:51:31.647 [7232.6704] <2> bpVMutil main: save_guests returned 0 for vccedgeute002
08:51:31.647 [7232.6704] <2> Ending cached = 1, sched 1: bpVMutil
08:51:31.647 [7232.6704] <2> executeCmd: Executing cmd: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 0 8 _NONE_
08:51:31.663 [7232.6704] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
08:51:31.710 [7852.5644] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 0 8 _NONE_
08:51:31.710 [7852.5644] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 0 ESXMount = 8 ESXserver = _NONE_, flags = 0
08:51:31.710 [7852.5644] <2> Cache initialization requested: bpVMutil
08:51:31.741 [7852.5644] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
08:51:31.741 [7852.5644] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 608
08:51:34.019 [7852.5644] <2> bpVMutil main: Saving vccedgeute002 guests to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-07852445323891725644000000000-a05644
08:51:34.019 [7852.5644] <2> get_VM_names_VMware: read for vccedgeute002
08:51:44.315 [7852.5644] <2> get_VM_names_VMware: get_vSphere_VMs returned 0
08:51:44.315 [7852.5644] <2> get_VM_names_VMware: get_vSphere_VMs succeeded
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 42279d15-fd52-b41b-69f1-656a14b32f86 uuid and isp-gesicid001 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227b69c-d4f9-01c4-1b42-1ec6a080f332 uuid and isp-gesicidw001 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 42272a07-85e1-3ab8-4cb2-e586dcfa2e66 uuid and isp-gesiecicw001 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227597a-773a-d3c2-cdb4-475e6b377fb8 uuid and gesicin002 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227ed28-1f2b-ee8e-9350-52abf1fc7cb9 uuid and b_gesicid001 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227cb66-e683-294d-11b7-51994d708e67 uuid and sicidb01 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 422724ad-d14d-99f9-fdbf-df4c8c712151 uuid and sicinfs display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 42279574-66a8-2d0d-9b0e-c51e542f90d4 uuid and sicidweb01 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 42277301-a7fd-7c9f-4d31-d23449b5ebf9 uuid and siecicweb01 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 422737c4-5281-19e8-1a82-e93264acd92c uuid and sicil01 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501deeb3-d7fa-0b0b-47d1-296b848c9faa uuid and geminori03 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501dbfab-7352-2c66-f792-336bb602cb5f uuid and sicpgecaaa001 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d2456-a12f-def1-7a27-cfccd9a9c044 uuid and sicpgeldap001 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227f5b2-60ab-99ee-8964-5eb61e51159f uuid and jboss-ora11g display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d91ad-6e84-906b-156f-136ca81bb320 uuid and sicpgeca001 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d6fb5-d0b5-2233-c6c3-2790cebf42eb uuid and sicpgeconsole001 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d5f66-5e37-b23c-2b07-1aef9a080b4e uuid and TEST-CAAA-001 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 564def30-698a-26d7-1b6a-5562c2758405 uuid and MIG-ORACLE-001 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 421d0014-8df2-59dc-69d1-53702fc159f5 uuid and GEVM50 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227656a-fdf3-d440-9181-27f29c386e98 uuid and test_codige display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4214dbf4-339c-da99-a3f4-41af10945576 uuid and media360_restore display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d1b88-0472-04f1-74a1-fe261651591c uuid and geinfatti00_restore display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d8e7f-1a4e-f827-c42b-5f35f0de147d uuid and STORAGE display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501de1a9-031b-1faa-09d2-9383b0d51ecb uuid and geinfatti display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d354b-960f-45a1-fc53-b56ce2340e11 uuid and GEA013 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d40ef-765c-0a79-aa11-f0ac7e4e21a7 uuid and gevm19 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501dcc82-a332-e10f-0a7f-5891a1cd647a uuid and gevm17 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501d1a4e-c2d9-13ba-9219-882e199a7b69 uuid and gevm12 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501da153-edd0-7123-3d0f-ae936462e6ae uuid and Genagios display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227fb07-f00e-6309-122c-52e93b1a2889 uuid and apcedgeute007 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 501daf06-96eb-ad78-90c0-a272604aae63 uuid and GEMONIT01 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 42273f02-6021-fbff-e65d-57c6e5ad7696 uuid and harlock display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4214bdd5-3c41-fb47-76e4-b2dbf10a9984 uuid and geminori03_isp display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 421ff384-aec9-b407-000f-b04072101d87 uuid and sigpcad002 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> updateDiscoveryTime: Updating IP address for VM with 4227a788-9f6d-2cb1-7c3c-49638520c159 uuid and b_sicidged002 display name with from cache
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> Cache for vccedgeute002 complete: bpVMutil
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> bpVMutil main: save_guests returned 0 for vccedgeute002
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> Ending cached = 2, sched 0: bpVMutil
08:51:44.409 [7852.5644] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
12:26:22.808 [6924.7056] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 2816 esx2083-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
12:26:22.808 [6924.7056] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 11 ESXMount = esx2083-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
12:26:22.871 [6924.7056] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
12:26:22.871 [6924.7056] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 588
12:26:33.588 [6924.7056] <2> browseResourcePools: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx2083-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 844 -> lockname = esx2083-ge.esx.local_lock
12:26:33.588 [6924.7056] <2> browseResourcePools: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_resp_list_esx2083-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-06924445336782824056000000000-a07056 returned 0
12:26:33.588 [6924.7056] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
12:26:37.598 [3252.8144] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 3072 esx2083-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
12:26:37.598 [3252.8144] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 12 ESXMount = esx2083-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
12:26:37.598 [3252.8144] <2> browseDatastores: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx2083-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 292 -> lockname = esx2083-ge.esx.local_lock
12:26:37.598 [3252.8144] <2> browseDatastores: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_datas_list_esx2083-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-03252445336797598144000000000-a08144 returned 0
12:26:37.598 [3252.8144] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
12:26:41.560 [5544.5632] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 5632 esx2083-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
12:26:41.560 [5544.5632] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 22 ESXMount = esx2083-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
12:26:41.576 [5544.5632] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
12:26:41.576 [5544.5632] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 588
12:26:51.311 [5544.5632] <2> browseDatastoreTree: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK vccedgeute002_lock fd = 844 -> lockname = vccedgeute002_lock
12:26:51.311 [5544.5632] <2> browseDatastoreTree: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_datas_tree.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-05544445336801560632000000000-a05632 returned 0
12:26:51.311 [5544.5632] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
12:27:04.213 [1640.8100] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 4864 /GENOVA vccedgeute002 0
12:27:04.213 [1640.8100] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 19 ESXMount = /GENOVA ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
12:27:04.228 [1640.8100] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
12:27:04.228 [1640.8100] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 584
12:27:14.509 [1640.8100] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
12:29:01.358 [2868.7572] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 1792 _NONE_ vccedgeute002 0
12:29:01.374 [2868.7572] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 7 ESXMount = _NONE_ ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
12:29:01.389 [2868.7572] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
12:29:01.389 [2868.7572] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 584
12:29:10.875 [2868.7572] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
12:29:21.842 [6112.7204] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 2816 esx20101-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
12:29:21.842 [6112.7204] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 11 ESXMount = esx20101-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
12:29:21.858 [6112.7204] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
12:29:21.858 [6112.7204] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 588
12:29:32.404 [6112.7204] <2> browseResourcePools: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx20101-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 844 -> lockname = esx20101-ge.esx.local_lock
12:29:32.404 [6112.7204] <2> browseResourcePools: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_resp_list_esx20101-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-06112445336961842204000000000-a07204 returned 0
12:29:32.404 [6112.7204] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
12:29:36.382 [6340.6608] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 3072 esx20101-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
12:29:36.382 [6340.6608] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 12 ESXMount = esx20101-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
12:29:36.382 [6340.6608] <2> browseDatastores: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx20101-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 292 -> lockname = esx20101-ge.esx.local_lock
12:29:36.382 [6340.6608] <2> browseDatastores: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_datas_list_esx20101-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-06340445336976382608000000000-a06608 returned 0
12:29:36.382 [6340.6608] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
12:29:40.142 [7472.7300] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 5632 esx20101-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
12:29:40.142 [7472.7300] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 22 ESXMount = esx20101-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
12:29:40.142 [7472.7300] <2> browseDatastoreTree: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK vccedgeute002_lock fd = 292 -> lockname = vccedgeute002_lock
12:29:40.142 [7472.7300] <2> browseDatastoreTree: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_datas_tree.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-07472445336980142300000000000-a07300 returned 0
12:29:40.142 [7472.7300] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
12:30:16.554 [6300.5600] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 3328 <VirtualMachine><Name>R_gesicidw001</Name></VirtualMachine>

 vccedgeute002 0
12:30:16.554 [6300.5600] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 13 ESXMount = <VirtualMachine><Name>R_gesicidw001</Name></VirtualMachine>

 ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
12:30:16.585 [6300.5600] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
12:30:16.585 [6300.5600] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 584
12:30:26.335 [6300.5600] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 227: no entity was found
12:55:04.829 [556.5036] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 0 0 _NONE_ 0
12:55:04.829 [556.5036] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 0 ESXMount = 0 ESXserver = _NONE_, jobId = 0, flags = 0
12:55:15.048 [556.5036] <8> vnet_vnetd_pbx_c_supported: [vnet_vnetd.c:3370] VN_REQUEST_PBX_C_SUPPORTED 13 0xd
12:55:15.500 [556.5036] <8> do_vnetd_service: [vnet_connect.c:2002] remote host supports PBX, but PBX is not running 0 0x0
12:55:15.500 [556.5036] <8> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:1998] VN_REQUEST_SERVICE_SOCKET 6 0x6
12:55:15.500 [556.5036] <8> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:2012] service bprd
12:55:15.750 [556.5036] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 636
12:55:17.825 [556.5036] <2> bpVMutil main: Saving vccedgeute002 guests to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-00556445338504829036000000000-a05036
12:55:17.825 [556.5036] <2> get_VM_names_VMware: read for vccedgeute002
12:55:17.871 [556.5036] <2> Cache for vccedgeute002 complete: bpVMutil
12:55:17.871 [556.5036] <2> bpVMutil main: save_guests returned 0 for vccedgeute002
12:55:17.871 [556.5036] <2> Ending cached = 1, sched 0: bpVMutil
12:55:17.871 [556.5036] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
13:26:45.712 [1964.7244] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 2816 esx2083-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
13:26:45.712 [1964.7244] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 11 ESXMount = esx2083-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
13:26:45.759 [1964.7244] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
13:26:45.759 [1964.7244] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 588
13:27:13.871 [1964.7244] <2> browseResourcePools: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx2083-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 848 -> lockname = esx2083-ge.esx.local_lock
13:27:13.887 [1964.7244] <2> browseResourcePools: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_resp_list_esx2083-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-01964445340405712244000000000-a07244 returned 0
13:27:13.887 [1964.7244] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
13:27:18.099 [6924.7656] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 3072 esx2083-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
13:27:18.099 [6924.7656] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 12 ESXMount = esx2083-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
13:27:18.099 [6924.7656] <2> browseDatastores: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx2083-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 292 -> lockname = esx2083-ge.esx.local_lock
13:27:18.099 [6924.7656] <2> browseDatastores: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_datas_list_esx2083-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-06924445340438099656000000000-a07656 returned 0
13:27:18.099 [6924.7656] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
13:27:22.062 [6100.7552] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 5632 esx2083-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
13:27:22.062 [6100.7552] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 22 ESXMount = esx2083-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
13:27:22.077 [6100.7552] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
13:27:22.077 [6100.7552] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 588
13:27:31.001 [6100.7552] <2> browseDatastoreTree: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK vccedgeute002_lock fd = 844 -> lockname = vccedgeute002_lock
13:27:31.016 [6100.7552] <2> browseDatastoreTree: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_datas_tree.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-06100445340442062552000000000-a07552 returned 0
13:27:31.016 [6100.7552] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
13:27:44.729 [8168.7628] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 4864 /GENOVA vccedgeute002 0
13:27:44.729 [8168.7628] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 19 ESXMount = /GENOVA ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
13:27:44.745 [8168.7628] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
13:27:44.745 [8168.7628] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 584
13:27:54.979 [8168.7628] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
13:28:03.154 [6968.6376] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 1792 _NONE_ vccedgeute002 0
13:28:03.170 [6968.6376] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 7 ESXMount = _NONE_ ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
13:28:03.185 [6968.6376] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
13:28:03.185 [6968.6376] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 584
13:28:12.936 [6968.6376] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
13:28:32.842 [7328.6660] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 2816 esx20101-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
13:28:32.842 [7328.6660] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 11 ESXMount = esx20101-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
13:28:32.842 [7328.6660] <2> browseResourcePools: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx20101-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 292 -> lockname = esx20101-ge.esx.local_lock
13:28:32.842 [7328.6660] <2> browseResourcePools: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_resp_list_esx20101-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-07328445340512842660000000000-a06660 returned 0
13:28:32.842 [7328.6660] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
13:28:46.805 [7156.244] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 3072 esx20101-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
13:28:46.805 [7156.244] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 12 ESXMount = esx20101-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
13:28:46.820 [7156.244] <2> browseDatastores: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx20101-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 292 -> lockname = esx20101-ge.esx.local_lock
13:28:46.820 [7156.244] <2> browseDatastores: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_datas_list_esx20101-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-07156445340526820244000000000-a00244 returned 0
13:28:46.820 [7156.244] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
13:28:50.767 [780.6804] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 5632 esx20101-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
13:28:50.767 [780.6804] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 22 ESXMount = esx20101-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
13:28:50.783 [780.6804] <2> browseDatastoreTree: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK vccedgeute002_lock fd = 292 -> lockname = vccedgeute002_lock
13:28:50.783 [780.6804] <2> browseDatastoreTree: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_datas_tree.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-00780445340530767804000000000-a06804 returned 0
13:28:50.783 [780.6804] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
13:29:22.655 [6936.6400] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 3328 <VirtualMachine><Name>R_gesicidw001</Name></VirtualMachine>

 vccedgeute002 0
13:29:22.655 [6936.6400] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 13 ESXMount = <VirtualMachine><Name>R_gesicidw001</Name></VirtualMachine>

 ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
13:29:22.671 [6936.6400] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
13:29:22.671 [6936.6400] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 584
13:29:32.265 [6936.6400] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 227: no entity was found
13:29:38.037 [5868.6656] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 4352 esx20101-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
13:29:38.037 [5868.6656] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 17 ESXMount = esx20101-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
13:29:38.053 [5868.6656] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
13:29:38.053 [5868.6656] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 588
13:29:48.037 [5868.6656] <2> browseNetworks: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx20101-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 844 -> lockname = esx20101-ge.esx.local_lock
13:29:48.037 [5868.6656] <2> browseNetworks: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_net_list_esx20101-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-05868445340578037656000000000-a06656 returned 0
13:29:48.037 [5868.6656] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 1024 C:\Windows\TEMP\VMval-01444445340596072408000000001-a06408 vccedgeute002 0
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 4 ESXMount = C:\Windows\TEMP\VMval-01444445340596072408000000001-a06408 ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> dumpXMLFile: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VMRestoreConfiguration><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmRestoreType" V
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> dumpXMLFile: alue="vStorage"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmDisplayName" Value="R_gesicidw001"/><VMRestoreConfigurationE
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> dumpXMLFile: lement Keyword="VmUuid" Value="502755c3-8d10-7206-b416-469976f0aa0f"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmHost" V
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> dumpXMLFile: alue="esx20101-ge.esx.local"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="Datacenter" Value="/GENOVA"/><VMRestoreConfigurat
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> dumpXMLFile: ionElement Keyword="Folder" Value="/GENOVA/vm/TEST_RESTORE"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="Datastore" Value="
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> dumpXMLFile: GeStkFcRestoreTest01"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="ResourcePool" Value="/GENOVA/host/ACER GEN/Resources"/><
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> dumpXMLFile: VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmOverwrite" Value="false"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmIdentityRe
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> dumpXMLFile: store" Value="false"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="Network" Value="VMnetwork0"/><VMRestoreConfigurationEleme
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> dumpXMLFile: nt Keyword="TransferType" Value="san"/><Datastore Name="GeStkFcRestoreTest01" RequiredMbytes="40960"/><VMDK Name="GeCpl
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> dumpXMLFile: Sici2VmLun01\gesicidw001\gesicidw001-000001.vmdk" SizeMbytes="8192"/><VMDK Name="GeCplSici2VmLun01\gesicidw001\gesicidw
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> dumpXMLFile: 001_3-000001.vmdk" SizeMbytes="20480"/><VMDK Name="GeCplSici2VmLun01\gesicidw001\gesicidw001_2-000001.vmdk" SizeMbytes=
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> dumpXMLFile: "4096"/><VMDK Name="GeCplSici2VmLun01\gesicidw001\gesicidw001_1-000001.vmdk" SizeMbytes="8192"/></VMRestoreConfiguratio
13:29:56.103 [6332.6704] <2> dumpXMLFile: n>

13:29:56.119 [6332.6704] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
13:29:56.119 [6332.6704] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 584
13:30:13.357 [6332.6704] <2> cmn_test_VM_cred: Verified credentials with VIX API
13:30:13.357 [6332.6704] <2> verifyVmdkDatastores: Unable to find source datastore GeCplSici2VmLun01.
13:30:13.357 [6332.6704] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
13:30:43.732 [7336.6444] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 1584 san:esx2083-ge.esx.local:4227c2ae-0afa-335d-6420-d9ec37f2f1e1:gesicidw001:gesicidw001_1444759257_142100 vccedgeute002 142100
13:30:43.732 [7336.6444] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 6 ESXMount = san:esx2083-ge.esx.local:4227c2ae-0afa-335d-6420-d9ec37f2f1e1:gesicidw001:gesicidw001_1444759257_142100 ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 142100, flags = 48
13:30:43.732 [7336.6444] <2> bpVMutil main: VMuuid 4227c2ae-0afa-335d-6420-d9ec37f2f1e1 VMesxhost esx2083-ge.esx.local VMDisplayName gesicidw001 VMBackupID gesicidw001_1444759257_142100 transport mode san
13:30:43.732 [7336.6444] <2> bpVMutil main: XML file is C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMXml_gesicidw001_1444759257_142100.xml
13:30:43.732 [7336.6444] <2> bpVMutil main: Vix file is C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMVix_gesicidw001_1444759257_142100.xml
13:30:43.732 [7336.6444] <2> bpVMutil main: Reading XML...
13:30:43.732 [7336.6444] <2> bpVMutil main: XML read 33148 bytes.
13:30:43.732 [7336.6444] <2> bpVMutil main: Reading renameString...
13:30:43.732 [7336.6444] <2> bpVMutil main: renameString read 1086 bytes.
13:30:43.732 [7336.6444] <2> bpVMutil main: renameString datacenter=/GENOVA;datastore=GeStkFcRestoreTest01;esxhost=esx20101-ge.esx.local;folder=/GENOVA/vm/TEST_RESTORE;resourcepool=/GENOVA/host/ACER GEN/Resources;vmname=R_gesicidw001;diskdatastores=GeStkFcRestoreTest01/GeStkFcRestoreTest01/GeStkFcRestoreTest01/GeStkFcRestoreTest01;diskkeys=2000/2001/2002/2016;customAttr=NB_LAST_BACKUP/<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><customAttribute><version>1<\/version><key>2001<\/key><name>NB_LAST_BACKUP<\/name><moType>VirtualMachine<\/moType><fieldDefPolicy_createPrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_createPrivilege><fieldDefPolicy_deletePrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_deletePrivilege><fieldDefPolicy_readPrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_readPrivilege><fieldDefPolicy_updatePrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_updatePrivilege><fieldPolicy_createPrivilege><\/fieldPolicy_createPrivilege><fieldPolicy_deletePrivilege><\/fieldPolicy_deletePrivilege><fieldPolicy_readPrivilege><\/fieldPolicy_readPrivilege><fieldPolicy_upd...
13:30:43.748 [7336.6444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
13:30:43.748 [7336.6444] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 588
13:30:53.389 [7336.6444] <2> find_vm_by_displayname returned 18: bpVMutil
13:30:53.389 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM: original format disks requested
13:30:53.389 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM: Ignore attached devices that have a file connected
13:30:53.389 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM: Using transport mode san
13:30:53.404 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM: Evaluating renameString datacenter=/GENOVA;datastore=GeStkFcRestoreTest01;esxhost=esx20101-ge.esx.local;folder=/GENOVA/vm/TEST_RESTORE;resourcepool=/GENOVA/host/ACER GEN/Resources;vmname=R_gesicidw001;diskdatastores=GeStkFcRestoreTest01/GeStkFcRestoreTest01/GeStkFcRestoreTest01/GeStkFcRestoreTest01;diskkeys=2000/2001/2002/2016;customAttr=NB_LAST_BACKUP/<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><customAttribute><version>1<\/version><key>2001<\/key><name>NB_LAST_BACKUP<\/name><moType>VirtualMachine<\/moType><fieldDefPolicy_createPrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_createPrivilege><fieldDefPolicy_deletePrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_deletePrivilege><fieldDefPolicy_readPrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_readPrivilege><fieldDefPolicy_updatePrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_updatePrivilege><fieldPolicy_createPrivilege><\/fieldPolicy_createPrivilege><fieldPolicy_deletePrivilege><\/fieldPolicy_deletePrivilege><fieldPolicy_readPrivilege><\/fieldPolicy_readPrivilege><fiel...
13:30:53.404 [7336.6444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
13:30:53.404 [7336.6444] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 848
13:30:55.386 [7336.6444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
13:30:55.386 [7336.6444] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 848
13:30:57.429 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM: find credential failed for ESX host esx20101-ge.esx.local using vccedgeute002
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM: working datacenter set to /GENOVA
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM: vmcCreateVirtualMachineEx arguments:
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     Client = vccedgeute002
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     vmName = R_gesicidw001
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     hostName = esx20101-ge.esx.local
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     folder = /GENOVA/vm/TEST_RESTORE
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     resourcePoolPath = /GENOVA/host/ACER GEN/Resources
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     VM version = NULL
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     vmDatastoreName = GeStkFcRestoreTest01
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     diskKeys[0] = 2000
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     diskKeys[1] = 2001
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     diskKeys[2] = 2002
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     diskKeys[3] = 2016
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     diskDatastores[0] = GeStkFcRestoreTest01
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     diskDatastores[1] = GeStkFcRestoreTest01
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     diskDatastores[2] = GeStkFcRestoreTest01
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     diskDatastores[3] = GeStkFcRestoreTest01
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     bThinProvision = 0
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     bEagerlyScrub = 0
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     bWriteThrough = 0
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     bKeepExistingUuid = 0
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     bPreserveNics = 1
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     bStripNetworks = 0
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:     bUseVmDatastoreForDisks = 0
13:30:57.804 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM:      Has custom attributes
13:31:06.852 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM: Created VM; sVMMorName: vm-26921, xmlFile: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMXml_gesicidw001_1444759257_142100.xml
13:31:06.852 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM: VMpath = /vminstuuid/50272278-2aa8-753d-2a71-7880285cf886
13:31:06.852 [7336.6444] <2> createVMwareVM: moref: vm-26921
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: [0] Current Custom Attribute Key: 2001
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: [0] Current Custom Attribute Name: NB_LAST_BACKUP
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: [0] Current Custom Attribute Value:
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: [0] Current Custom Attribute moType: VirtualMachine
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: customAttrList size: 1
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute: NB_LAST_BACKUP/"Tue Oct 06 20:00:47 2015 ,svcedgeute006,GE_SICI_APPL" added to the list
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute Name: NB_LAST_BACKUP
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute Value: "Tue Oct 06 20:00:47 2015 ,svcedgeute006,GE_SICI_APPL"
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute moType: VirtualMachine
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldDefPolicy_createPrivilege:
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldDefPolicy_deletePrivilege:
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldDefPolicy_readPrivilege:
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldDefPolicy_updatePrivilege:
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldPolicy_createPrivilege:
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldPolicy_deletePrivilege:
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldPolicy_readPrivilege:
13:31:06.868 [7336.6444] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldPolicy_updatePrivilege:
13:31:06.899 [7336.6444] <4> restoreVMCustomAttributes: restore custom attribute NB_LAST_BACKUP with value "Tue Oct 06 20:00:47 2015 ,svcedgeute006,GE_SICI_APPL" succeeded
13:31:11.517 [7336.6444] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
13:31:11.517 [7336.6444] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 848
13:31:14.465 [7336.6444] <2> virtlogcallback: VixDiskLib: Invalid configuration file parameter.  Failed to read configuration file.

13:31:17.180 [7336.6444] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
13:32:53.670 [6732.7612] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 2050 gesicidw001_1444759257_142100 vccedgeute002 142100
13:32:53.670 [6732.7612] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 8 ESXMount = gesicidw001_1444759257_142100 ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 142100, flags = 2
13:32:53.670 [6732.7612] <2> bpVMutil main: Vix file is C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMVix_gesicidw001_1444759257_142100.xml
13:32:53.686 [6732.7612] <2> deleteVMwareSnapshot: creating host's mor: vm-26921, path: /vmmor/vm-26921
13:33:03.857 [6732.7612] <8> vnet_vnetd_pbx_c_supported: [vnet_vnetd.c:3370] VN_REQUEST_PBX_C_SUPPORTED 13 0xd
13:33:04.279 [6732.7612] <8> do_vnetd_service: [vnet_connect.c:2002] remote host supports PBX, but PBX is not running 0 0x0
13:33:04.279 [6732.7612] <8> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:1998] VN_REQUEST_SERVICE_SOCKET 6 0x6
13:33:04.279 [6732.7612] <8> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: [vnet_vnetd.c:2012] service bprd
13:33:04.544 [6732.7612] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 608
13:33:07.383 [6732.7612] <2> getBackupTime: xmlfile = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMVix_gesicidw001_1444759257_142100.xml
13:33:07.383 [6732.7612] <2> getBackupTime: bId = gesicidw001_1444759257_142100, ts=142100
13:33:07.383 [6732.7612] <2> getBackupTime: vtime_buff = Fri Jan 02 16:28:20 1970

13:33:14.747 [6732.7612] <2> deleteVMwareSnapshot: Deleting VM /vmmor/vm-26921 due to error
13:34:14.763 [6732.7612] <2> deleteVMwareSnapshot: Attempting to delete VM (/vmmor/vm-26921), try 0
13:34:21.830 [6732.7612] <2> deleteVMwareVM: Successfully deleted VM (/vmmor/vm-26921) on vccedgeute002.
13:34:21.830 [6732.7612] <2> bpVMutil main: Removing VIX file C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMVix_gesicidw001_1444759257_142100.xml
13:34:21.830 [6732.7612] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
15:50:09.701 [7004.4184] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 2816 esx2083-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
15:50:09.701 [7004.4184] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 11 ESXMount = esx2083-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
15:50:09.748 [7004.4184] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
15:50:09.748 [7004.4184] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 588
15:50:22.571 [7004.4184] <2> browseResourcePools: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx2083-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 844 -> lockname = esx2083-ge.esx.local_lock
15:50:22.587 [7004.4184] <2> browseResourcePools: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_resp_list_esx2083-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-07004445349009701184000000000-a04184 returned 0
15:50:22.587 [7004.4184] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
15:50:26.581 [7316.7988] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 3072 esx2083-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
15:50:26.581 [7316.7988] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 12 ESXMount = esx2083-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
15:50:26.596 [7316.7988] <2> browseDatastores: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx2083-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 292 -> lockname = esx2083-ge.esx.local_lock
15:50:26.596 [7316.7988] <2> browseDatastores: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_datas_list_esx2083-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-07316445349026581988000000000-a07988 returned 0
15:50:26.596 [7316.7988] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
15:50:30.528 [7612.6852] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 5632 esx2083-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
15:50:30.528 [7612.6852] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 22 ESXMount = esx2083-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
15:50:30.543 [7612.6852] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
15:50:30.559 [7612.6852] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 588
15:50:51.339 [7612.6852] <2> browseDatastoreTree: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK vccedgeute002_lock fd = 844 -> lockname = vccedgeute002_lock
15:50:51.355 [7612.6852] <2> browseDatastoreTree: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_datas_tree.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-07612445349030528852000000000-a06852 returned 0
15:50:51.355 [7612.6852] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
15:58:33.806 [3296.5548] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 4864 /GENOVA vccedgeute002 0
15:58:33.806 [3296.5548] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 19 ESXMount = /GENOVA ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
15:58:33.838 [3296.5548] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
15:58:33.838 [3296.5548] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 584
15:58:44.633 [3296.5548] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
15:58:59.438 [7112.5756] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 1792 _NONE_ vccedgeute002 0
15:58:59.438 [7112.5756] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 7 ESXMount = _NONE_ ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
15:58:59.454 [7112.5756] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
15:58:59.454 [7112.5756] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 584
15:59:08.580 [7112.5756] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
15:59:18.549 [7496.7228] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 2816 esx20102-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
15:59:18.549 [7496.7228] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 11 ESXMount = esx20102-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
15:59:18.565 [7496.7228] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
15:59:18.565 [7496.7228] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 588
15:59:27.816 [7496.7228] <2> browseResourcePools: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx20102-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 844 -> lockname = esx20102-ge.esx.local_lock
15:59:27.832 [7496.7228] <2> browseResourcePools: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_resp_list_esx20102-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-07496445349558549228000000000-a07228 returned 0
15:59:27.832 [7496.7228] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
15:59:31.779 [892.5516] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 3072 esx20102-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
15:59:31.779 [892.5516] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 12 ESXMount = esx20102-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
15:59:31.794 [892.5516] <2> browseDatastores: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx20102-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 292 -> lockname = esx20102-ge.esx.local_lock
15:59:31.794 [892.5516] <2> browseDatastores: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_datas_list_esx20102-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-00892445349571794516000000000-a05516 returned 0
15:59:31.794 [892.5516] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
15:59:35.507 [7592.244] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 5632 esx20102-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
15:59:35.507 [7592.244] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 22 ESXMount = esx20102-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
15:59:35.523 [7592.244] <2> browseDatastoreTree: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK vccedgeute002_lock fd = 292 -> lockname = vccedgeute002_lock
15:59:35.523 [7592.244] <2> browseDatastoreTree: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_datas_tree.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-07592445349575507244000000000-a00244 returned 0
15:59:35.523 [7592.244] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
16:00:12.450 [7612.6740] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 3328 <VirtualMachine><Name>R_gesicidw001</Name></VirtualMachine>

 vccedgeute002 0
16:00:12.450 [7612.6740] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 13 ESXMount = <VirtualMachine><Name>R_gesicidw001</Name></VirtualMachine>

 ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
16:00:12.481 [7612.6740] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
16:00:12.481 [7612.6740] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 584
16:00:21.701 [7612.6740] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 227: no entity was found
16:00:25.757 [7708.6244] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 4352 esx20102-ge.esx.local vccedgeute002 0
16:00:25.757 [7708.6244] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 17 ESXMount = esx20102-ge.esx.local ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
16:00:25.757 [7708.6244] <2> browseNetworks: get_id_lock returned 0:  -> wait lock timeout value: 30 minutes -> WRITE LOCK esx20102-ge.esx.local_lock fd = 292 -> lockname = esx20102-ge.esx.local_lock
16:00:25.757 [7708.6244] <2> browseNetworks: fileCOPY of C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\vccedgeute002_net_list_esx20102-ge.esx.local.xml to C:\Windows\TEMP\VMutl-07708445349625757244000000000-a06244 returned 0
16:00:25.757 [7708.6244] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
16:00:33.183 [7800.2752] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 1024 C:\Windows\TEMP\VMval-07480445349633167548000000001-a06548 vccedgeute002 0
16:00:33.183 [7800.2752] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 4 ESXMount = C:\Windows\TEMP\VMval-07480445349633167548000000001-a06548 ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 0, flags = 0
16:00:33.198 [7800.2752] <2> dumpXMLFile: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<VMRestoreConfiguration><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmRestoreType" V
16:00:33.198 [7800.2752] <2> dumpXMLFile: alue="vStorage"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmDisplayName" Value="R_gesicidw001"/><VMRestoreConfigurationE
16:00:33.198 [7800.2752] <2> dumpXMLFile: lement Keyword="VmUuid" Value="502755c3-8d10-7206-b416-469976f0aa0f"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmHost" V
16:00:33.198 [7800.2752] <2> dumpXMLFile: alue="esx20102-ge.esx.local"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="Datacenter" Value="/GENOVA"/><VMRestoreConfigurat
16:00:33.198 [7800.2752] <2> dumpXMLFile: ionElement Keyword="Folder" Value="/GENOVA/vm/TEST_RESTORE"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="Datastore" Value="
16:00:33.198 [7800.2752] <2> dumpXMLFile: GeStkFcRestoreTest01"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="ResourcePool" Value="/GENOVA/host/ACER GEN/Resources"/><
16:00:33.198 [7800.2752] <2> dumpXMLFile: VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmOverwrite" Value="false"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="VmIdentityRe
16:00:33.198 [7800.2752] <2> dumpXMLFile: store" Value="false"/><VMRestoreConfigurationElement Keyword="Network" Value="VMnetwork0"/><VMRestoreConfigurationEleme
16:00:33.198 [7800.2752] <2> dumpXMLFile: nt Keyword="TransferType" Value="nbd"/><Datastore Name="GeStkFcRestoreTest01" RequiredMbytes="40960"/><VMDK Name="GeCpl
16:00:33.198 [7800.2752] <2> dumpXMLFile: Sici2VmLun01\gesicidw001\gesicidw001_1-000001.vmdk" SizeMbytes="8192"/><VMDK Name="GeCplSici2VmLun01\gesicidw001\gesici
16:00:33.198 [7800.2752] <2> dumpXMLFile: dw001_2-000001.vmdk" SizeMbytes="4096"/><VMDK Name="GeCplSici2VmLun01\gesicidw001\gesicidw001_3-000001.vmdk" SizeMbytes
16:00:33.198 [7800.2752] <2> dumpXMLFile: ="20480"/><VMDK Name="GeCplSici2VmLun01\gesicidw001\gesicidw001-000001.vmdk" SizeMbytes="8192"/></VMRestoreConfiguratio
16:00:33.198 [7800.2752] <2> dumpXMLFile: n>

16:00:33.214 [7800.2752] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
16:00:33.214 [7800.2752] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 584
16:00:47.255 [7800.2752] <2> cmn_test_VM_cred: Verified credentials with VIX API
16:00:47.255 [7800.2752] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
16:01:29.813 [6896.5724] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 1584 nbd:esx2083-ge.esx.local:4227c2ae-0afa-335d-6420-d9ec37f2f1e1:gesicidw001:gesicidw001_1444759257_142162 vccedgeute002 142162
16:01:29.813 [6896.5724] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 6 ESXMount = nbd:esx2083-ge.esx.local:4227c2ae-0afa-335d-6420-d9ec37f2f1e1:gesicidw001:gesicidw001_1444759257_142162 ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 142162, flags = 48
16:01:29.813 [6896.5724] <2> bpVMutil main: VMuuid 4227c2ae-0afa-335d-6420-d9ec37f2f1e1 VMesxhost esx2083-ge.esx.local VMDisplayName gesicidw001 VMBackupID gesicidw001_1444759257_142162 transport mode nbd
16:01:29.813 [6896.5724] <2> bpVMutil main: XML file is C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMXml_gesicidw001_1444759257_142162.xml
16:01:29.813 [6896.5724] <2> bpVMutil main: Vix file is C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMVix_gesicidw001_1444759257_142162.xml
16:01:29.813 [6896.5724] <2> bpVMutil main: Reading XML...
16:01:29.813 [6896.5724] <2> bpVMutil main: XML read 33148 bytes.
16:01:29.813 [6896.5724] <2> bpVMutil main: Reading renameString...
16:01:29.813 [6896.5724] <2> bpVMutil main: renameString read 1106 bytes.
16:01:29.813 [6896.5724] <2> bpVMutil main: renameString datacenter=/GENOVA;datastore=GeStkFcRestoreTest01;esxhost=esx20102-ge.esx.local;folder=/GENOVA/vm/TEST_RESTORE;resourcepool=/GENOVA/host/ACER GEN/Resources;usevmxdir=true;vmname=R_gesicidw001;vmversion=vmx-09;diskdatastores=GeCplSici2VmLun01/GeCplSici2VmLun01/GeCplSici2VmLun01/GeCplSici2VmLun01;diskkeys=2000/2001/2002/2016;customAttr=NB_LAST_BACKUP/<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><customAttribute><version>1<\/version><key>2001<\/key><name>NB_LAST_BACKUP<\/name><moType>VirtualMachine<\/moType><fieldDefPolicy_createPrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_createPrivilege><fieldDefPolicy_deletePrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_deletePrivilege><fieldDefPolicy_readPrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_readPrivilege><fieldDefPolicy_updatePrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_updatePrivilege><fieldPolicy_createPrivilege><\/fieldPolicy_createPrivilege><fieldPolicy_deletePrivilege><\/fieldPolicy_deletePrivilege><fieldPolicy_readPrivilege><\/fieldPolicy_readPrivil...
16:01:29.845 [6896.5724] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
16:01:29.845 [6896.5724] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 592
16:01:39.751 [6896.5724] <2> find_vm_by_displayname returned 18: bpVMutil
16:01:39.767 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM: original format disks requested
16:01:39.767 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM: Ignore attached devices that have a file connected
16:01:39.767 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM: Using transport mode nbd
16:01:39.767 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM: Evaluating renameString datacenter=/GENOVA;datastore=GeStkFcRestoreTest01;esxhost=esx20102-ge.esx.local;folder=/GENOVA/vm/TEST_RESTORE;resourcepool=/GENOVA/host/ACER GEN/Resources;usevmxdir=true;vmname=R_gesicidw001;vmversion=vmx-09;diskdatastores=GeCplSici2VmLun01/GeCplSici2VmLun01/GeCplSici2VmLun01/GeCplSici2VmLun01;diskkeys=2000/2001/2002/2016;customAttr=NB_LAST_BACKUP/<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><customAttribute><version>1<\/version><key>2001<\/key><name>NB_LAST_BACKUP<\/name><moType>VirtualMachine<\/moType><fieldDefPolicy_createPrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_createPrivilege><fieldDefPolicy_deletePrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_deletePrivilege><fieldDefPolicy_readPrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_readPrivilege><fieldDefPolicy_updatePrivilege><\/fieldDefPolicy_updatePrivilege><fieldPolicy_createPrivilege><\/fieldPolicy_createPrivilege><fieldPolicy_deletePrivilege><\/fieldPolicy_deletePrivilege><fieldPolicy_readPrivilege><\/fieldPolicy...
16:01:39.767 [6896.5724] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
16:01:39.767 [6896.5724] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 848
16:01:41.826 [6896.5724] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
16:01:41.826 [6896.5724] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 852
16:01:43.870 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM: find credential failed for ESX host esx20102-ge.esx.local using vccedgeute002
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM: working datacenter set to /GENOVA
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM: vmcCreateVirtualMachineEx arguments:
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     Client = vccedgeute002
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     vmName = R_gesicidw001
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     hostName = esx20102-ge.esx.local
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     folder = /GENOVA/vm/TEST_RESTORE
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     resourcePoolPath = /GENOVA/host/ACER GEN/Resources
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     VM version = vmx-09
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     vmDatastoreName = GeStkFcRestoreTest01
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     diskKeys[0] = 2000
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     diskKeys[1] = 2001
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     diskKeys[2] = 2002
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     diskKeys[3] = 2016
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     bThinProvision = 0
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     bEagerlyScrub = 0
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     bWriteThrough = 0
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     bKeepExistingUuid = 0
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     bPreserveNics = 1
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     bStripNetworks = 0
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:     bUseVmDatastoreForDisks = 1
16:01:44.291 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM:      Has custom attributes
16:01:54.010 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM: Created VM; sVMMorName: vm-26925, xmlFile: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMXml_gesicidw001_1444759257_142162.xml
16:01:54.010 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM: VMpath = /vminstuuid/5027d84f-e665-e744-0bfa-f6cca5825175
16:01:54.010 [6896.5724] <2> createVMwareVM: moref: vm-26925
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: [0] Current Custom Attribute Key: 2001
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: [0] Current Custom Attribute Name: NB_LAST_BACKUP
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: [0] Current Custom Attribute Value:
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: [0] Current Custom Attribute moType: VirtualMachine
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: customAttrList size: 1
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute: NB_LAST_BACKUP/"Tue Oct 06 20:00:47 2015 ,svcedgeute006,GE_SICI_APPL" added to the list
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute Name: NB_LAST_BACKUP
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute Value: "Tue Oct 06 20:00:47 2015 ,svcedgeute006,GE_SICI_APPL"
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute moType: VirtualMachine
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldDefPolicy_createPrivilege:
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldDefPolicy_deletePrivilege:
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldDefPolicy_readPrivilege:
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldDefPolicy_updatePrivilege:
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldPolicy_createPrivilege:
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldPolicy_deletePrivilege:
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldPolicy_readPrivilege:
16:01:54.026 [6896.5724] <2> restoreVMCustomAttributes: Custom Attribute fieldPolicy_updatePrivilege:
16:01:54.041 [6896.5724] <4> restoreVMCustomAttributes: restore custom attribute NB_LAST_BACKUP with value "Tue Oct 06 20:00:47 2015 ,svcedgeute006,GE_SICI_APPL" succeeded
16:01:58.737 [6896.5724] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
16:01:58.737 [6896.5724] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 852
16:02:01.717 [6896.5724] <2> virtlogcallback: VixDiskLib: Invalid configuration file parameter.  Failed to read configuration file.

16:02:04.619 [6896.5724] <2> bpVMutil main: EXIT STATUS 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
16:11:53.951 [7404.7100] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpVMutil.exe 2048 gesicidw001_1444759257_142162 vccedgeute002 142162
16:11:53.951 [7404.7100] <2> bpVMutil main: cmd = 8 ESXMount = gesicidw001_1444759257_142162 ESXserver = vccedgeute002, jobId = 142162, flags = 0
16:11:53.951 [7404.7100] <2> bpVMutil main: Vix file is C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\online_util\fi_cntl\VMVix_gesicidw001_1444759257_142162.xml
16:11:53.966 [7404.7100] <2> deleteVMwareSnapshot: creating host's mor: vm-26925, path: /vmmor/vm-26925
16:11:54.013 [7404.7100] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
16:11:54.013 [7404.7100] <2> logconnections: BPRD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 616


  • Hi,


    Refer the vmware note.

    "For a Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012 proxy, set SAN Policy onlineAll for ALL the  paths. Set SAN disk to read‐only except for restore. You can use the diskpart utility to clear the read-only flag. SAN policy varies by Windows Server 2008 edition. For Enterprise and Datacenter editions, the default SAN policy is offline, which is not required when vSphere mediates SAN storage. "

9 Replies

  • Hi,


    i've new information about my problem.

    The restore NEVER run if i use SAN transport type, run on LAN but not on all hosts.

    Until close this thread i will continue test, if is possible.


    Thanks for support

  • 20/10/2015 16:50:03 - begin Restore
    20/10/2015 16:50:07 - restoring image glpeccaw001_1445351575
    20/10/2015 16:50:08 - requesting resource @aaaao
    20/10/2015 16:50:08 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaao;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=Storage_Dedup_Pool_018;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=svcedgeute018.usr.root.jus;MediaServer=SVCEDGEUTE018
    20/10/2015 16:50:08 - Info bprd(pid=8216) Restoring from copy 1 of image created 10/20/15 16:32:55 from policy CA_GLPEC
    20/10/2015 16:50:12 - Info Restoring to vCenter server vccedgeute002, ESX host esx21110-md.esx.local, Datacenter /MULTI-DS, Folder /MULTI-DS/vm/CAGLIARI/GLPEC-CA_Restore, Display Name R_glpeccaw001, Resource Pool/vApp /MULTI-DS/host/CIV-MD/Resources/CAGLIARI/GLPEC-CA, Datastore/Datastore Cluster CaCplTestRestoreGlpec01
    20/10/2015 16:50:16 - Info bpdm(pid=540) started            
    20/10/2015 16:50:16 - started process bpdm (540)
    20/10/2015 16:50:27 - Info bpdm(pid=540) reading backup image          
    20/10/2015 16:50:28 - Info bpdm(pid=540) requesting nbjm for media         
    20/10/2015 16:50:29 - Info bpdm(pid=540) using 128 data buffers         
    20/10/2015 16:50:29 - Info bpdm(pid=540) spawning a child process         
    20/10/2015 16:50:29 - Info bpbrm(pid=540) child pid: 3264          
    20/10/2015 16:50:29 - Info bpdm(pid=3264) started            
    20/10/2015 16:50:29 - started process bpdm (3264)
    20/10/2015 16:50:43 - begin reading
    20/10/2015 16:50:45 - end reading; read time: 0:00:02
    20/10/2015 16:50:46 - Info bpdm(pid=540) completed reading backup image         
    20/10/2015 16:50:46 - Info bpdm(pid=540) EXITING with status 0         
    20/10/2015 16:51:22 - requesting resource @aaaao
    20/10/2015 16:51:22 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaao;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=Storage_Dedup_Pool_018;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=svcedgeute018.usr.root.jus;MediaServer=SVCEDGEUTE018
    20/10/2015 16:51:29 - Info bpbrm(pid=5524) SVCEDGEUTE019 is the host to restore to      
    20/10/2015 16:51:29 - Info bpbrm(pid=5524) reading file list for client        
    20/10/2015 16:51:35 - connecting
    20/10/2015 16:51:35 - Info bpbrm(pid=5524) starting bptm           
    20/10/2015 16:51:41 - Info tar32(pid=9420) Restore started           
    20/10/2015 16:51:41 - connected; connect time: 0:00:06
    20/10/2015 16:51:41 - Info bptm(pid=7136) start            
    20/10/2015 16:51:41 - started process bptm (7136)
    20/10/2015 16:51:42 - Info bptm(pid=7136) reading backup image          
    20/10/2015 16:51:43 - Info bptm(pid=7136) using 128 data buffers         
    20/10/2015 16:51:43 - Info bptm(pid=7136) spawning a child process         
    20/10/2015 16:51:43 - Info bptm(pid=7136) child pid: 7832          
    20/10/2015 16:51:43 - Info bptm(pid=7832) start            
    20/10/2015 16:51:43 - started process bptm (7832)
    20/10/2015 16:52:09 - begin reading
    20/10/2015 16:52:57 - Error bptm(pid=7832) cannot write data to socket, 10053       
    20/10/2015 16:52:57 - Info bptm(pid=7136) EXITING with status 24 <----------        
    20/10/2015 16:52:58 - Info SVCEDGEUTE018(pid=7136) StorageServer=PureDisk:svcedgeute018.usr.root.jus; Report=PDDO Stats for (svcedgeute018.usr.root.jus): read: 52974 KB, CR received: 38536 KB, CR received over FC: 0 KB, dedup: 0.0%
    20/10/2015 16:53:01 - Info tar32(pid=9420) done. status: 24: socket write failed       
    20/10/2015 16:53:01 - Error bpbrm(pid=5524) client restore EXIT STATUS 24: socket write failed     
    20/10/2015 16:54:18 - restored image glpeccaw001_1445351575 - (the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)); restore time 0:04:11
    20/10/2015 16:54:19 - end Restore; elapsed time: 0:04:16
    VMware policy restore error(2820)

  • Hi to all,


     i've done more test to understand really problem affect my enviroment.

    I verified this:


    1) Restore NEVER run on SAN, work on LAN but not for all vm. The particular issue is a vm's born from the same template some work on lan somelse not. The difference is the vlan and the LUN where are. Some idea's?


    2) Backup work fine on SAN for some rack and work sometimes for other rack. I'm going to check the configuration of my network.

    3) Another problem is for the visibility of the LUN. My media server are Windows 2008 R2 STD and see the LUN like a disk where i can't write but sometimes i found that disks offline. Idea's?


    Thanks for support

  • 1) You must have some topology and/or connectivity (cabling) and/or zoning and/or presentation and/or compatibility and/or configuration issues.

    2) Good idea.  It would seem that your issues are too complex to solve here.  You need to first capture and document the configuration to work out what is missing and/or wrong, before you can plan how to rectify your issues.

    3) Never attempt to write natively, from Windows, to a LUN containing a VMFS datastore because you will destroy your VMs if you do this.  Also, note that an offline LUN can never be restored to, therefore you need to use Windows LDM (Logical Disk Manager) to mark the LUN as online in order to be able to restore to it.

  • Hi,


    Refer the vmware note.

    "For a Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012 proxy, set SAN Policy onlineAll for ALL the  paths. Set SAN disk to read‐only except for restore. You can use the diskpart utility to clear the read-only flag. SAN policy varies by Windows Server 2008 edition. For Enterprise and Datacenter editions, the default SAN policy is offline, which is not required when vSphere mediates SAN storage. "