error after add master server to opscenter server
I have the error after add master server to ops center server and ops center cannot get information about the master server
Master version 7.6.1
Ops center version 7.6.1
"Action not permitted. Please verify that the OpsCenter host is listed in NetBackup configuration file (host properties or bp.conf) and/or trust is established in case of NBAC."
Thank you
damrongpol s.
Check the name of the opscenter center under master server properties, servers. Be aware that the short hostname and fqdn often is regarded as different in this context.
Also check the 1556 port is open inbound in the firewall on both machines, if there is a dedicated firewall involved remember that source port is random.
did you add the Opscenter server name in the master server bp.conf as it suggested?
also registered the master server using the command
- Login to Master Server
- Execute: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbregopsc -add <opscenter name>
if you still see the issue after this... restart the nbsl in master server and see how it goes..