error attempting to backup client
hi all
i am having problems backing up one particular client, all other clients are fine
client is running windows 2008 x64
i cant connect to the client from the master server properties
i can ping by ip and name both ways, any help or guidance is appriciated
here are the logs from the master server,
11:02:00.768 [8376.10228] <2> bpbrm main: INITIATING (VERBOSE = 0): version NetBackup 7.0 0
11:02:00.768 [8376.10228] <2> logparams: -backup -backup_copy 0 -b dnzwguag1_1319493720 -bt 1319493720 -c dnzwguag1 -cl Copy_of_Servers2008_test -ct 13 -dt 0 -fso -jobid 17946 -jobgrpid 17946 -masterversion 700000 -mediasvr dnzwgbkup1 -mpx 0 -nbu -p NONE -ru root -rg other -sched Full -st 0 -S dnzwgbkup1 -stream_count 2 -stream_number 1 -snaponly -secure 1 -use_ofb -use_otm -WOFB_enabled 1 -nbu
11:02:00.768 [8376.10228] <2> verify_client: bpbrm.c.34226: db_getCLIENT failed for CLIENT: dnzwguag1
11:02:00.768 [8376.10228] <2> verify_client: bpbrm.c.34376: db_getCLIENT failed: 227 227 0x000000e3
11:02:30.829 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:02:31.827 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:03:01.873 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:03:02.887 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:03:12.871 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:03:42.917 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:03:44.929 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:03:53.930 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:04:23.976 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:04:27.985 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:04:34.989 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:05:05.035 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:05:13.038 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:05:16.049 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.1316: 0: getsockopt SO_ERROR returned: 10060 0x0000274c
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> connect_to_service: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.343: 0: vnet_async_connect() failed: 18 0x00000012
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_connect_to_bpcd: ../../libvlibs/vnet_connect.c.235: 0: connect_to_service() failed: 18 0x00000012
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> local_bpcr_connect: Can't connect to client dnzwguag1
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> ConnectToBPCD: bpcd_connect_and_verify(dnzwguag1, dnzwguag1) failed: 25
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <16> bpbrm start_bpcd_stat: Cannot connect to dnzwguag1
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 804 for client dnzwgbkup1
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 804
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now...
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host dnzwgbkup1 contype 10 jobid <17946> socket <804>
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 54196
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> job_monitoring_exex: ACK disconnect
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> job_disconnect: Disconnected
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> verify_client: bpbrm.c.34470: start_bpcd_stat failed: 58 58 0x0000003a
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> bpbrm main: bpbrm.c.2782: verify_client failed: 58 58 0x0000003a
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> bpbrm kill_child_process_Ex: start
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> sendViaMapi: attempting to send mail
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> sendViaMapi: MAPILogon error (-2147467259).You may have to setup a mail profile for the NetBackup mail account (NetBackup).
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <16> bpbrm Exit: cannot send mail to
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> vnet_pbxConnect: pbxConnectEx Succeeded
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> job_connect: SO_KEEPALIVE set on socket 784 for client dnzwgbkup1
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> logconnections: BPJOBD CONNECT FROM TO fd = 784
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> job_authenticate_connection: ignoring VxSS authentication check for now...
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> job_connect: Connected to the host dnzwgbkup1 contype 10 jobid <17946> socket <784>
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> job_connect: Connected on port 54197
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> job_monitoring_exex: ACK disconnect
11:05:37.077 [8376.10228] <2> job_disconnect: Disconnected
11:05:42.101 [8376.10228] <2> bpbrm Exit: client backup EXIT STATUS 58: can't connect to client
In addition to above steps, please create bpcd log folder on the client (under ...\netbackup\logs) before running bptestbpcd on the master:
bptestbpcd -client <client hostname> -debug -verbosePlease post output of bptestbpcd as well as client's bpcd log. If no log is created, Windows firewall is probably preventing connection.