Forum Discussion

Shiv_Sankar's avatar
16 years ago

Error Status Code 98


In our netbackup environment we are getting the error status code 98 for backup's very frequently.

NBU Server OS: HP-UX
NBU Version: NBU  6.0 MP6
Tape Library : STK SL8500

Check drive status seems to be fine. It doesn't have any pending status also and volume pools are also set  to any host.

bptm logs:

# more log.102009 | grep 'error requesting media' | more
04:32:36.787 [21545] <2> set_job_details: LOG 1256031156 16 bptm 21545 error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
04:32:37.756 [21545] <16> mount_open_media: error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
05:35:29.561 [4588] <2> set_job_details: LOG 1256034929 16 bptm 4588 error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
05:35:29.941 [4588] <16> mount_open_media: error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
06:37:22.601 [15486] <2> set_job_details: LOG 1256038642 16 bptm 15486 error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
06:37:22.961 [15486] <16> mount_open_media: error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
12:31:34.172 [10591] <2> set_job_details: LOG 1256059894 16 bptm 10591 error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
12:31:34.574 [10591] <16> mount_open_media: error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
17:21:41.412 [299] <2> set_job_details: LOG 1256077301 16 bptm 299 error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
17:21:41.777 [299] <16> mount_open_media: error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
18:44:31.216 [21433] <2> set_job_details: LOG 1256082271 16 bptm 21433 error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed
18:44:31.587 [21433] <16> mount_open_media: error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed

Could you pls share with ur suggestions on this to resolve as i need to be addressed this issue on urgent.?


  • then maybe there is an issue with the physical connectiivity to the robot/drives? Maybe worth checking your cabling.

    Other avenues of thought:

    Manual replacement of media without re-inventory of library?
    Possible configuration issues with drives?
    Do you have many frozen media? (a consequence of the above)
    Robtest commands that can be used to test the SCSI functionality of a robot

    and something else to consider (in the realms of "Strange but True") - see the solution at the end of this T/N:
    NetBackup jobs remain queued due to tape mount issues

    Maybe also be worth supplying us with a little more of the log you posted (not necessarily all of it) as there could be pertinent parts around the "error requesting media" sections that you've cut out.
  • What messages does acsd  write in /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log ?

    I think you may have some sort of ACSLS problem.
  • Hi Sankar

    We have had huge problems with our VTL( EMC DL3D) and when these problems occur we see status 98 on the active jobs working against the vtl. What does the /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/scan command say when you get these errors?

  • then maybe there is an issue with the physical connectiivity to the robot/drives? Maybe worth checking your cabling.

    Other avenues of thought:

    Manual replacement of media without re-inventory of library?
    Possible configuration issues with drives?
    Do you have many frozen media? (a consequence of the above)
    Robtest commands that can be used to test the SCSI functionality of a robot

    and something else to consider (in the realms of "Strange but True") - see the solution at the end of this T/N:
    NetBackup jobs remain queued due to tape mount issues

    Maybe also be worth supplying us with a little more of the log you posted (not necessarily all of it) as there could be pertinent parts around the "error requesting media" sections that you've cut out.
  • Are you sure ltid process is running?  That's one of the first things I would check.
  • Add a VERBOSE entry in vm.conf; stop/start ltid. All device-related errors will be logged to syslog.
  • This error message "TpErrno = Robot operation failed" most like will bea Hardware issue. Check your Tape Library and Tapes and when going up to ltid. And listen to 
    Marianne van den Berg 2 and turn on log verbosity of MM!  :)
  • Hi,

    Thank you so much for all your vaulable inputs...! I will get back to you on this issue..!
