Forum Discussion

liuyang's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

Exchange 2010 DAG backup over backup LAN

Hi, my master server is a cluster master server on RedHat 5 (NBU The master server name is a virtual name and it is tied to a backup LAN IP address. It does not link to any production LAN IP address. The Exchange team has setup a new Exchange 2010 DAG. I found the DAG name is a virtual name and it is tied to a production LAN IP address. It does not link to any backup LAN IP address.

When we tested the backup, the backup job failed with status 26. I checked and found it tries to communicate from backup LAN IP address of the master server to the produciton LAN IP address of the DAG. As the two networks cannot talk to each other, the backup job failed.

My questions is:

In this kind of setup, how to do the configuration? The cluster master servers have two nodes, one active node and one passive node. Both nodes physcially connect to both bakcup LAN and production LAN. I checked with Exchange team and they said they cannot configure a backup LAN IP address for DAG. Thanks in advance.


    Two choices:

    1. Configure NBU master for Production LAN as well (includung a cluster resource for a vitual IP)
    2. Add additional NICs to all DAG members and config virtual IP for backup LAN.

    Since Exchange team are not willing to make changes on their side, you will have to update the Master's config.

    Update cluster config with another NIC and IP resource tree for production LAN.
    Add a hostname for the virtual IP in /etc/hosts on both nodes, as well as on all DAG nodes.

    Add new virtual hostname as SERVER name in bp.conf on both cluster nodes as well as registry or BAR GUI of all DAG nodes.

    Backups should work now.

    See this TN for explanation of multiple hostnames and SERVER entries:



    Two choices:

    1. Configure NBU master for Production LAN as well (includung a cluster resource for a vitual IP)
    2. Add additional NICs to all DAG members and config virtual IP for backup LAN.

    Since Exchange team are not willing to make changes on their side, you will have to update the Master's config.

    Update cluster config with another NIC and IP resource tree for production LAN.
    Add a hostname for the virtual IP in /etc/hosts on both nodes, as well as on all DAG nodes.

    Add new virtual hostname as SERVER name in bp.conf on both cluster nodes as well as registry or BAR GUI of all DAG nodes.

    Backups should work now.

    See this TN for explanation of multiple hostnames and SERVER entries:


  • Marianne,

    I've reviewed the technote you mentioned above.  But I must not be understanding the process properly.  I have a new appliance (5220) just for Exchange backups. This is the first non-Windows backup device in my environment.

    The Exchange servers have the client installed. I just upgraded my master and media servers just yesterday.  The appliance is running as well.

    The backup was ending with status 26 until I added back the prod IP for the DAG to the appliance.  Now the appliance can successfully query the DAG but the data will only move over the prod network. 

    The DAG only has a prod IP.  I have NIC's configured on each mailbox server for the backup network.

    What am I missing?