Exchange 2010 GRT Recovery Error
Hi All,
I'm trying to perform a item level restore on exchange 2010.
My environement is as below.
2 MailBox Servers in a DAG
2 HUB/CAS Servers
All the servers are running Windows 2008 R2 and installed with NetBackup Client as with the Master Server.
As a test i have performed a backup with GRT enabled and it seems to be working properly. I can view individual e-mail items on the Restore interface.
The issue is, when i try to restore it fails with giving the below error.
4/4/2012 12:23:35 PM - begin Restore
4/4/2012 12:23:37 PM - restoring image wataniyadag.wataniya-maldives.com_1333523877
4/4/2012 12:23:40 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=7876) VHM1SVEXHC03.WATANIYA-MALDIVES.COM is the host to restore to
4/4/2012 12:23:40 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=7876) reading file list from client
4/4/2012 12:23:41 PM - connecting
4/4/2012 12:23:41 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=7876) start nbfsd on client
4/4/2012 12:23:43 PM - Info bpbrm(pid=7876) start nbgre on client
4/4/2012 12:23:44 PM - Info tar32(pid=0) Restore started
4/4/2012 12:23:44 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:03
4/4/2012 12:23:50 PM - Info tar32(pid=0) done. status 13
4/4/2012 12:23:50 PM - Info tar32(pid=0) done. status: 13
4/4/2012 12:23:50 PM - restored image wataniyadag.wataniya-maldives.com_1333523877 - (file read failed(13)); restore time 00:00:13
4/4/2012 12:23:50 PM - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:00:15
MS-Exchange-Server policy restore error(2810)
4/4/2012 12:23:55 PM - Info tar32(pid=0) done. status: 13: file read failed
4/4/2012 12:23:55 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=7876) client restore EXIT STATUS 13: file read failed
VHM1SVEXHC03 is the virtual name of the CAS nodes.
I have enabled NFS Services on both mailbox servers and CAS servers.
I have created two files inside C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\altnames with the names of mailbox servers, and both files contain the DAG virtual name in them.
Your advices in figuring this one out is much appreciated.
Hi Mark,
We were able to finally sort this out with the tech support, and after making two changes. There was an issue with one CAS server communication with master server.
Support engineer identified it using "bpclntcmd -pn" command. After that, we added the host file entries for CAS1, CAS2, CAS-VIRTUAL-IP, MBX1, MBX2 to the host files of both CAS servers and the NetBackup master server.
The other change we performed was to create a "No.Restrictions" file in C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\altnames. I feel it is this change and not the host file changes that did the trick for us. Anyway, the item level restores are working now. Strange thing is this "No.Restrictions" is not mentioned in the Exchange admin guide, if it is a mandatory change in this type of a setup.
Sorry for the delay in update, I had to get on a flight and leave "where the domain indicated".
Appreciate your effort very much in helping out with this issue.