Forum Discussion

Mastana420's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

Exchange restore partially successfull. Exit Status 185





I am trying to restore an old backup of Exchange 2007. Everything is done correctly on the exchange server by preparing the SG etc, and it seems the restore job is writing alot of data aswell, but it exits with status code 185 in the end. See the attached log file for 2 restores i have attempted on differet SG. Please let me know what to do as this is urgent. Thanks.





  • Netbackup can't do anything about missing logs - have you verifyed Netbackup got a copy of those logs ?

    Expired backup, deleted from exchange server before backup ?

    Seems 951 logs are missing.

  • Have you tried to do what is listed in these lines? 

    05/13/2015 15:05:02 - Warning bpbrm (pid=8872) from client svvepost01: WRN - MountDatabase failed with error(0x0) for machine svvepost01, storage group Recovery Storage Group, database Mailbox Database 02 
    05/13/2015 15:05:02 - Warning bpbrm (pid=8872) from client svvepost01: WRN - Exchange database recovery may have failed. 
    Please check the event log for further details.
    05/13/2015 15:05:02 - Error bpbrm (pid=8872) from client svvepost01: ERR - An Exchange restore error was detected.  
    You may need to manually mount the Database stores to successfully finish the restore.

    You may also want to go through all the steps in this doc to see if anything might have been missed:

  • Hi Marianne. Yes we have already tried to mount them manually, without luck. In the eventlog we got the following:


    Information Store (7596) Logfile Integrity-Check (G:\SG30\restore\_restoredLogs\E01): The range of log files G:\SG30\restore\_restoredLogs\E0100090E25.log to G:\SG30\restore\_restoredLogs\E01000911DC.log is missing (error -528) and cannot be used. If these log files are required for recovery, a good copy of these log files will be needed for recovery to complete successfully.


  • Netbackup can't do anything about missing logs - have you verifyed Netbackup got a copy of those logs ?

    Expired backup, deleted from exchange server before backup ?

    Seems 951 logs are missing.

  • Hi,

             The data is restored succesfully , kindly ask your exchange admin to mount database and extract data. (The error is because netbackup was unable to mount database)

  • Use can use the netbackup command bplist or Netbackup BAR gui to browse the backups.
