Exchange Transaction Logs
How do i confirm/check that my transaction logs for the exchange server has been deleted.
I am backing up two exchange servers and some of the backups complete with a partial successful icon, does netbackup still deletes the transaction logs for the Full and Incremental backup.
I believe transaction logs will not be truncated after status 1 backup.
My take on status 1 Database/Application backups is that it actually means FAILURE... Use bpbkar log on Exchange client to troubleshoot.
Extract from p. 67 of NBU for Exchange Manual:
" Exchange truncates all committed transaction logs after NetBackup notifies it that the backup succeeded. "
Also on page 181 of the NBU for Exchange Admin Guide:
Exchange Server transaction log truncation error
The Exchange server deletes transaction logs after a successful backup (for full and differential backup types). If the Exchange server encounters any errors during the deletion process, it logs this information in the application event log.
Since the actual backup was successful, NetBackup exits with a status 0 (successful backup). Refer to the Microsoft Exchange Server documentation for information on any errors that are encountered with the transaction logs.