EXIT STATUS 61 (the vnetd proxy encountered an error)
Hello everyone,
I'm facing an issue during a backup of a policy type DB2.
The backup jobs are started by a script on the client (RHEL 6.6 and NBU 8.1.1).
The error is the following:
Jan 26, 2020 9:41:16 PM - Error bprd (pid=23436) Unable to write progress log </usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops/dbext/logs/27107.0.1580071151> on client client_name. Policy=policy_name Sched=NONE
Jan 26, 2020 9:41:16 PM - Error bprd (pid=23436) CLIENT client_name POLICY policy_name SCHED NONE EXIT STATUS 61 (the vnetd proxy encountered an error)
Normally this kind of backup creates 5 different jobs. In this case I have 4 jobs successfully completed, but the last one has failed with the message above. I checked in the mentioned path and I found that there is a log file for each process, including the one failed, so I can't explain the why of the error message.
This is the content of the log file of the failed job:
cat 27107.0.1580071151
Backup started Sun Jan 26 21:39:11 2020
21:41:16 INF - Server status = 61
Do you have any idea?
Thank you