Expired image not clean from MSDP catalog
In our environment, there is AIX cluster master server with fews media server and 2 units of MSDP configured, all run at NBU
Recently for the image cleanup job always failed with error code 1. After look into the job details, found out when clean up the image from one of the MSDP server always failed with error code 174 (system call failed.)
Attached the job details and the bpdm log from the MSDP server.
Hope can get some help from here. I suspect is the catalog cleanup of the fragment in the MSDP disk in not completed, so leave some orphans.
make it capt. jack pls ;-)
BTW did you tried reboot does it helps.. one of similar post where reboot helped in reclaiming garbage. as syntax given above takes time to process and reflect the same.
Check if it's possible to take reboot of MSDP