Forum Discussion

MarcoS404's avatar
Level 2
21 days ago

Expired Tapes not changing over to Scratch NBU10.5

Dear all,

I`m seeking your advice on troubleshooting this issue.
We run several master servers on different sites in our nbu environment. One location has problems with transferring expired tapes automatically to the scratch pool.

NBU 10.5 on Windows Server 2022 (Same Master+Media server)

Already tested:
1. Checked for "NoExpire" file
2. Checked bptm log for any "delete_expired_media" entries -> these can be found frequently
3. Ran bptm -delete_all_expired (no output in cmd was given)
G:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bptm -delete_all_expired

4. Ran bpexpdate -deassignempty
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpexpdate -m A00212 -deassignempty
Search for empty media that meet the following criteria:
        Media id: A00212

Continue? y/n (n)y
No media matching criteria were found to be deassigned.
no entity was found

5. Checked media for its origin pool
vmquery -m A00212 -X
Previous Pool: Scratch

6. Checking tape media with bpmedialist
\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpmedialist -m A00212
Server Host = sbbg05

 id     rl  images   allocated        last updated      density  kbytes restores
           vimages   expiration       last read         <------- STATUS ------->
           On Hold
A00212   3   2469   10/15/2024 19:00  10/18/2024 23:34   hcart  12306768008     0
              MPX   11/18/2024 22:54        N/A         EXPIRED FULL


The only thing that seems to be working at the moment is manually resetting the tapes through
bpexpdate <mediaid> -d 0

Any advice?



  • Check if the media has an expiration date set.  If it does and that date is in the past NetBackup will not use that tape again.

    Expiration dates on media related to the useful life of the tape, not when the images on it will expire.

  • The output of bpmedialist -m A00212 shows that all the images on the media are expired. This means the images should be deleted, and the tape "cleared" and returned to the scratch pool during the next cleanup process, which, if I recall correctly, runs every 12 hours.
    Clearly, this process is not functioning as expected. 

    The behavior resembles what happens when the NOexpire file is in place
    C:\program files\veritas\Netbackup\bin\NOexpire


    Run the flowing commands and check if the tapes is cleared.

    nbdelete -allvolumes
    bpexpdate -deassignempty
    bpimage -cleanup -allclients
    bptm -delete_expired



    • quebek's avatar


      What is the outcome form below command in your env?

      nbemmcmd -listsettings -machinename NBUSRV-hostname|findstr RETUR

      In mine is as above...

  • Hello all, thanks for your contribution!

    - Tape has no expiration date set (in fact, more tapes are affected - just took this one as an example)
    - I would rather not run "nbdelete -allvolumes" as that would require re-configuration, might try that later (the other commands didnt solve the problem)
    - "nbemmcmd -listsettings -machinename NBUSRV-hostname|findstr" returned also  "RETURRETURN_UNASSIGNED_MEDIA_TO_SCRATCH_POOL="yes"" for me

    • quebek's avatar


      so my take is that if tape was assigned to given volume pool by hand it will remain there even if its not having any valid backup images on it - read won't be returned to scratch. Your env looks properly configured...

      Maybe some admin did vmchange -p X -m label and that is why its not being returned... 

  • nbdelete -allvolumes is not deleting anything from netbackup configuration.

    If you do not want to run it, ok run the other commands

    quebek  The previous pool was scratch as the TS mentioned in his first message

    vmquery -m A00212 -X
    Previous Pool: Scratch

    • quebek's avatar

      Hi StefanosM 

      Well I did see it, but still we do not know how the tape was pulled into current volume pool, right? it could be either by hand or NBU itself. If by hand then there is no wonder it's not being returned to scratch pool....

      • StefanosM's avatar
        Level 6

        I think that the problem is that the images on the tapes are passed the expire date  but the tape remains in EXPIRED state.

        A00212   3   2469   10/15/2024 19:00  10/18/2024 23:34   hcart  12306768008     0
                      MPX   11/18/2024 22:54        N/A         EXPIRED FULL

        Ether the image cleanup processes is not running or the tape expiration is not running

  • Hi,

    this is what it outputs:
    Admin Mail Address:
    Job Retry Delay:              60 minutes
    Max Simultaneous Jobs/Client: 12
    Backup Tries:                 4 time(s) in 8 hour(s)
    Keep Error/Debug Logs:        10 days
    Max drives this master:       0
    Keep TrueImageRecovery Info:  1 days
    Compress Image DB Files:      (not enabled)
    Media Mount Timeout:          0 minutes (unlimited)
    Shared Media Mount Timeout:0 minutes (unlimited)
    Display Reports:              6619235 hours ago
    Preprocess Interval:          4 hours (default)
    Maximum Backup Copies:        10
    Image DB Cleanup Interval:    12 hours
    Image DB Cleanup Wait Time:   60 minutes
    Policy Update Interval:       10 minutes
    Intelligent Catalog Archiving:(not enabled)
    Resilient Jobs:        2
    Image Expiry Dependency Check:(enabled)

    --> it was enabled.
    I tried disabling it and manually running
    bpexpdate -deassignempty
    bpimage -cleanup -allclients
    bptm -delete_expired

    Still the same.
    We run basically the same configuration at other sites without problems.

    It was the same in 10.4 - one week ago upgraded to 10.5 with no change, so not sure if the installation can be corrupt. A new clean installation is one of the last things I want to try.


    Kind regards,