Forum Discussion

dwilson's avatar
Level 4
15 years ago

File read failed (13)

I have a new server that I have just added to and existing policy. When the policy runs all others servers finish except for the newly added. I receive a file read failed (13). I have been reading multiple tech articles and most point to looking at the bpbkar log file to get an idea of what might be going on. Only problem is I cannot find this log. I have went in on the client and created the bpbkar directory and then ran the job, but no log file is generated. Could someone shed some light on what might be the problem. Am I not enabling the log correctly? I have read through the Troubleshooting manual but am fairly new to this.
  • you could switch off the snapshot option temporarily, or change it to "Disable snapshot & continue", within the Master server Client Attributes/WOFB tab for this client (see below). If client isn't in the list, it'll need adding & would also be using VSP by default instead of VSS.

    As far as the errors are concerned, check the bfis log as pdreyer suggests, also look in the Event Viewer on the client for VSS errors.
