bpbrm logs
EXIT STATUS = 6: the backup failed to back up the requested filessds
NetBackup status code: 6
Message: the backup failed to back up the requested files
Explanation: Errors caused the user backup to fail.
Recommended Action: Do the following as appropriate:
■ Verify that you have read access to the files. Check the status or the progress
log on the client for messages on why the backup failed. Correct problems and
retry the backup.
■ The following information applies only to Windows clients:
Verify that the account used to start the NetBackup Client service has read
access to the files.
■ The following information applies only to Macintosh clients:
This code can be due to multiple backups being tried simultaneously on the
same client.
Some possible solutions are as follows:
■ Adjust the backup schedules.
■ If the client is only in one policy, set the policy attribute, Limit jobs per
policy, to 1.
■ Set the NetBackup global attribute, Maximum jobs per client, to 1 (note
that this limits all clients in all policies).
■ For a UNIX or Linux database extension client (for example, NetBackup for
Oracle), this status code can indicate a problem with the script that controls
the backup.
Check the progress report on the client for a message such as Script exited
with status code = number (the number varies). The progress log usually
names the script.
Check the script for problems. Also, check that the troubleshooting logs created
by the database extension. See the NetBackup guide that came with the database
extension for information on the scripts and the troubleshooting logs.