File server windows 2019 backup slowly
Hi all, I have a problem with file server backup, since we upgrade the OS of FS to Windows 2019, sometime it backup stay very slowly.
The first time it occurs I fix it restarting my file server, after one month, the problem return.
Only Inc backup occur this, the full backups are ok.
I have a policie with many clients and these other working fine, only file server has problem.
The normal backup of this client take 3 hours in normally conditions, but now it takes 10 hours and the speed from 52MB/s past to 20MB/s.
I donĀ“t know whats happen, nothing was did in file server or master and media server.
Can anybody help me?
My configuration is:
Master Server:
Windows Server 2012 R2 (Virtual Machine)
Two media server MSDP (phisical machines), we have two sites.
My File server client is Windows Server 2019 (Virtual Machine)
Our virtual environment is VmWare
Attached I post two job log one with normally condition and the other with the problem.
Yes a red herring - the bpbkar process in 8.x is called bpbkar32.exe - and there is only a 64 bit binary available for Windows now.
What I'd be looking at is enabling Windows change journalling to avoid the costly directory walk in the first place. For the client in "Host properties -> Clients -> Windows Client -> Client Settings": enable "Use Change Journal".
I'd also be enabling aceletator in the policy (it doesn't appear to be set)This should remove the directory walk time which is where your backup is showing slowness.
Another option would be to use a Flashbackup-Windows policy for the E: drive (and exclude E: from original policy) as that seems to have a very large number of files for which that policy type is designed.