Find the reason why Tape Drives are becoming down
Hi Everybody,
As you can see below, two drives became down, this time just drive 1 and 3. if I want to tell the exact history in last three month, I have to say it is not just drive 1 and 3 that become down, sometimes drive 2 or 4, or any other combination of these 4 drives.
I have read windows event viewer Log and HP MSL drive and I've listed them in this post.
I try to Up them manually via Netbackup administration console but after some hour or minutes, again I encounter the same issue.
Thank you.
You will need to check Application log at the time when the drive is DOWN'ed.
My guess is that it will be because of tapes manually loaded in seemingly empty slots. Hours later when job is finished, the tape cannot be returned to its 'home slot':
Error 5/28/2018 9:35:20 AM NetBackup TLD Control Daemon 13945 None TLD(0) cannot dismount drive 1, slot 34 already is full
Slot 34 will need to be manually emptied before the tape from drive 1 can be returned to this slot.
So, the operator needs to communicate with someone who has access to the GUI, plus he should only use the MAP/CAP to remove or load tapes.
When the MAP/CAP is used, it does not matter if jobs are running - the library will not be DOWN'ed.
After tapes have been placed in the MAP, the operator needs to inform backup admin.
At this point, run Inventory and select 'Empty media access port prior to update'.
The library will now select correct empty slots to put the tapes.So, the biggest problem is not so much with the library being opened while jobs are running, but rather with tapes put into slots where the tapes are being used in drives.