Forum Discussion

puneet102's avatar
Level 4
7 years ago

First Mount date changed in netbackup

In Veritas NetBackup, for a single media first mount date has been changed, while other media date is still same. For Example , I take two media. Media A has first mount date 07/07/2015 and media B has 10/06/2018, while first time backup on both media was taken on 07/07/2015.

Please describle me the process and database entry for the same or share the reference from I can learn about the same. 

  • Marianne's avatar
    7 years ago
    When you delete a mediaid in NBU, ALL records for that tape is removed. It is as if the tape never existed.

    When you re-add it, it is added as a new tape. All records are added from that day onwards.

    So, not a good idea to delete tapes if you still want to use them.
    You will never have a reliable record of the age of a tape or the number of mounts when it is later on re-added as new.
  • mph999's avatar
    7 years ago

    Marianne and Anshu beat me to it - what I was after was the created time.

    The media was at some point deleted (why ?) and re-added.  When deleted, it is exactly that, deleted, so NBU has no records of it anymore.

    Simply, do not delete tapes, and you will not have this issue.

    Kindest regards,


  • We need to focus on these four dates that you see.

    This is when media got added to NetBackup through first inventory.
    created: 07.07.2018 17:16:17

    This is the time when its first backup job was written on this media.
    It will not change even if first backup image was expired.
    It will only be removed when all backup images using this media gets expired.
    assigned: 07.08.2018 23:11:37

    This is when media was most recently mounted for backup, restore, import or reports job. last mounted: 08.08.2018 09:27:15

    This is when media was first mounted. first mount: 09.07.2018 09:19:32
    • puneet102's avatar
      Level 4

      ok, I understand this part but my question is still same. This media was assigned to netbackup on June 2015. So is it possible that all the media information will change?

      If we will delete the media then what will happen? will it change all the inforamtion of media and recognize the media as new tape?

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6
        If media existed since 2015, it means that it got deleted at some point and re-added again on 07.07.2018.

        But your question regarding deletion makes me think that you already knew that, right?
  • So you are saying you have:

    first mount 10/06/2018

    But the backup on the media has a ctime (backup time) of 07/07/2015

    OK, for media B, run vmquery -m <mediaB> and copy/ paste the output.

    Interested in the created time and the assign time.


    • puneet102's avatar
      Level 4


      Please find the command result below:

      c:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>vmquery.exe -m 1102L5
      media ID:              1102L5
      media type:            1/2" cartridge tape 2 (14)
      barcode:               P01102L5
      media description:     Added by Media Manager
      volume pool:           Weekly-Backup (5)
      robot type:            TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
      robot number:          0
      robot slot:            9
      robot control host:
      volume group:          000_00000_TLD
      vault name:            ---
      vault sent date:       ---
      vault return date:     ---
      vault slot:            ---
      vault session id:      ---
      vault container id:    -
      created:               07.07.2018 17:16:17
      assigned:              07.08.2018 23:11:37
      last mounted:          08.08.2018 09:27:15
      first mount:           09.07.2018 09:19:32
      expiration date:       ---
      number of mounts:      23
      max mounts allowed:    ---
      status:                0x0
      c:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>

      If we will delete the media then what will happen? will it change all the inforamtion of media and recognize the media as new tape?


      • mph999's avatar
        Level 6

        Marianne and Anshu beat me to it - what I was after was the created time.

        The media was at some point deleted (why ?) and re-added.  When deleted, it is exactly that, deleted, so NBU has no records of it anymore.

        Simply, do not delete tapes, and you will not have this issue.

        Kindest regards,
