Forum Discussion

rookie11's avatar
15 years ago

flashbackup unix

I was give to work on flashbackup unix,,, no previous exp. so far  
confusion is about their selection list don't know what they are backing up.
2 policies on NBU 6.5

1 flashbackup unix[solaris]  ---- failing daily  ,2 unix snapshot [solaris] -- running fine

backup selection list unix snapshot [solaris]
DB_BEGIN_BACKUP_CMD=/appl/iwov/iw-home/bin/iwfreeze +360
DB_END_BACKUP_CMD=/appl/iwov/iw-home/bin/iwfreeze --

backup selection list flashbackup unix  [solaris

DB_BEGIN_BACKUP_CMD=/appl/iwov/iw-home/bin/iwfreeze +360
DB_END_BACKUP_CMD=/appl/iwov/iw-home/bin/iwfreeze --

can anytelll from backup selection list what they are backing up
  • Suggestion: Have a look at the Snapshot Client Admin Guide - read the Flashbackup chapter and read through the snapshot options.
    Selecting vxvm assumes the following (extract from manual, p.63):
    the client’s data is contained in VxVM volumes that were configured with one or more snapshot mirrors.
    FlashSnap license is also needed (p. 71)
    Is this the case? If not you need to dedicate a small raw partition (+- 5% of data volume) as cache partition for snapshot.
    The snapshot methot will then be nbu_snap or vxfs (if this is a vxfs filesystem).
    p. 121:
    How to enter the cache
    For the nbu_snap and VxFS_Snapshot methods, you must identify a raw partition that the copy-on-write process uses, in any of the following ways.
    ■ You can specify the raw partition when using the Snapshot Policy Configuration wizard to create a Snapshot Client policy.
    ■ If manually selecting the snapshot method on the Snapshot Client Options dialog, you have two options for specifying the raw cache partition:
    ■ Under Host Properties > Clients > Client Properties dialog > UNIX Client > Client Settings: specify the raw partition in the Default cache device path for snapshots field. For example: /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s6. This setting applies to the client in all policies.
    ■ Or, under Policies > Attributes > Snapshot Client Options dialog, specify the raw partition in the Cache device path, Value field. This cache setting applies to all clients in the current policy, and overrides the cache setting in the Client Settings dialog.
    ■ If you want NetBackup to select the nbu_snap or VxFS_Snapshot methods by means of the auto method, specify the cache as follows: on the Host Properties > Clients > Client Properties dialog > UNIX Client > Client Settings.

  • Extract from Snapshot Client Admin Guide:

    Configuring backup scripts

    Add the following directive to the start of the Backup Selections list:

    Add one or both of the following directive(s), as required.

    The backup selection in your policies are :


    Replace these backup selections with the RAW device names. Extract from Snapshot Client manual (note the rdsk):

    Solaris examples:

    HP examples:

  • iwov is short for Interwoven, a company that provides contents management software. My guess updates of the CMS is suspended while the backup is running and then enabled after backup has completed. And since a CMS can contain many small files, Flashbackup is a good choice.
  • thanks nicolai and marianne waiting for reply from SA unix to provide some more information .......................
  • Hi ALL,

    I am facing a problem with this kind of flash backup.
    The Bakcups are failing with EC 156.
    Backup Slection List
    DB_BEGIN_BACKUP_CMD=/appl/iwov/iw-home/bin/iwfreeze +360
    DB_END_BACKUP_CMD=/appl/iwov/iw-home/bin/iwfreeze --
    Logs of bpfis
    07:55:22.119 [22386] <16> bpfis main: FTL - snapshot creation failed, status 156
    07:55:22.119 [22386] <2> execute_spec_cmd: INF - executing /appl/iwov/iw-home/bin/iwfreeze --, on local_host, user root
    07:55:22.120 [22386] <2> execute_local_cmd: INF - executing /appl/iwov/iw-home/bin/iwfreeze --
    07:55:22.120 [22386] <2> send_keep_alive: INF - sending keep alive
    07:55:23.130 [22386] <2> closefile: INF - closing logfile_rec[2].lf_fd = 7
    07:55:23.130 [22386] <2> closefile: INF - closing logfile_rec[3].lf_fd = 8
    07:55:23.130 [22386] <2> execute_local_cmd: INF - command status = 0
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=BusinessCopy
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=FlashSnap
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=NAS_Snapshot
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=ShadowImage
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=TimeFinder
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=VVR
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=auto
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=EMC_CLARiiON_Snapview_Clone
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=EMC_CLARiiON_Snapview_Snapshot
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=EMC_TimeFinder_Clone
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=EMC_TimeFinder_Mirror
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=EMC_TimeFinder_Snap
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=HP_EVA_Vsnap
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=HP_EVA_Snapshot
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=HP_EVA_Snapclone
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=nbu_snap
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=VxFS_Checkpoint
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=VxFS_Snapshot
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <4> onlfi_thaw: INF - Thawing /dev/vx/rdsk/appldg/vol03 usi
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <8> onlfi_thaw: WRN - /dev/vx/rdsk/appldg/vol03 is not froz
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> onlfi_thaw: INF - fim=vxvm
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <8> bpfis Exit: WRN - snapshot delete returned status 20
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> ol_cleanup: INF - removing /tmp/ksp6901a_flashbkup_team
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <4> bpfis Exit: INF - EXIT STATUS 156: snapshot error encou
    07:55:23.131 [22386] <2> bpfis Exit: INF - Close of stdout complete
    07:55:25.125 [22417] <2> logparams: bpfis delete -nbu -id ksp6901a_

    Please put your ciews on this error.
  • continue from 1st post
    snapshot method  : vxvm
    parameter value
    resynchronize mirro in background(not instant recovery) No
    maximum snapshots(instant recover only) 1
    wait for mirror sync completion(data mover backups only) yes
    maximum number of volumes to resynchronize concurrrently 1
    sync region in MB (unix only) 1
    sync I/O delay in milliseconds 0

    any suggestion experts
  • Suggestion: Have a look at the Snapshot Client Admin Guide - read the Flashbackup chapter and read through the snapshot options.
    Selecting vxvm assumes the following (extract from manual, p.63):
    the client’s data is contained in VxVM volumes that were configured with one or more snapshot mirrors.
    FlashSnap license is also needed (p. 71)
    Is this the case? If not you need to dedicate a small raw partition (+- 5% of data volume) as cache partition for snapshot.
    The snapshot methot will then be nbu_snap or vxfs (if this is a vxfs filesystem).
    p. 121:
    How to enter the cache
    For the nbu_snap and VxFS_Snapshot methods, you must identify a raw partition that the copy-on-write process uses, in any of the following ways.
    ■ You can specify the raw partition when using the Snapshot Policy Configuration wizard to create a Snapshot Client policy.
    ■ If manually selecting the snapshot method on the Snapshot Client Options dialog, you have two options for specifying the raw cache partition:
    ■ Under Host Properties > Clients > Client Properties dialog > UNIX Client > Client Settings: specify the raw partition in the Default cache device path for snapshots field. For example: /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s6. This setting applies to the client in all policies.
    ■ Or, under Policies > Attributes > Snapshot Client Options dialog, specify the raw partition in the Cache device path, Value field. This cache setting applies to all clients in the current policy, and overrides the cache setting in the Client Settings dialog.
    ■ If you want NetBackup to select the nbu_snap or VxFS_Snapshot methods by means of the auto method, specify the cache as follows: on the Host Properties > Clients > Client Properties dialog > UNIX Client > Client Settings.