4 years agoLevel 4
From a Netbackup client, how to find out the name of his master
Hi !
sorry for my english, i'm french speaking and Google is my friend !!!
we have multiple NB environment and I need to create script that will be on all client of all environment. This script will do a lot of thing and also, I would like in this script, a command where the output will be the master server of the clients. Each clients, will return many information including her Master server.
There is a way to do this from a Netbackup client ?
Thanks !!!
for both windows and linux/unix
open a CLI and run the command bpclntcmd -pnThe command is located at
UNIX/Linux: /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpclntcmd/
Windows: <install>\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpclntcmd