Forum Discussion

phella32's avatar
Level 2
14 years ago

frozen tapes

Whats the filter that can be used in netbackup 5.1 to list all frozen media?

  • Anonymous's avatar
    14 years ago

    This might be close to doing what you requested. (I'm no script guru.)

    However best to investigate why tapes are freezing.



    for m in `bpimagelist -media -hoursago 24 -idonly`
      STATUS=`bpmedialist -m $m -l | awk '{print $15}'`
       if [[ $STATUS == "1" ]]
        echo $m is FROZEN. Unfreezing $m.
        bpmedia -unfreeze -m $m
    Column 15 from the Commands Guide relates to the status of media.
    Value 1 relates to FROZEN media
  • Anonymous's avatar

    This might be close to doing what you requested. (I'm no script guru.)

    However best to investigate why tapes are freezing.



    for m in `bpimagelist -media -hoursago 24 -idonly`
      STATUS=`bpmedialist -m $m -l | awk '{print $15}'`
       if [[ $STATUS == "1" ]]
        echo $m is FROZEN. Unfreezing $m.
        bpmedia -unfreeze -m $m
    Column 15 from the Commands Guide relates to the status of media.
    Value 1 relates to FROZEN media
  • I believe running the available_media script in the netbackup/bin/goodies directory will provide this information.

  • go to reports

    Tape Reports

    Tape summary (with verbose checked)

    it will show you all tapes and which ones are frozen.


    or at command line

     cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
     ./bpmedialist -summary
    you could pipe that to grep and get just the frozen.

  • but 5.x was not so advanced.  And I think bpmedialist -mlist provided cryptic hexcode for media status back then. 


    The 'good old days' really weren't so great.

  • Thank you all for responding!

    Do you have a handy script avail to unfreeze frozen media like within the last 24hrs?

  • However, I would prefer to make sure that there isn't an issue with the tapes (or drive) first prior to doing a "mass" unfreeze of media.

    Do you honestly get that many that you feel you'd need to script it? If so there may be an underlying reason that needs sorting to prevent this......

  • You could go to the Media Section in the admin console (top level so that all media is shown on the right) and then make sure the Columns layout shows Media Status and Media Owner

    The sort is usually rubbish in teh console so just highlight them all - press CTL-C and paste it straight into Excel

    Remove all rows that are not frozen and then sort by Media Server and you have your list.

    Fastest way to unfreeze is to then paste the Media IDs into a text file for each Media Server (so that one is on each line - just as it will do from Excel anyway) and call that Server1_frozen.txt etc.

    Then put this into a batch file named unfreeze_tapes.bat:

    for /f %%a in (Server1_frozen.txt) do bpmedia -unfreeze -m %%a -h Server1
    for /f %%a in (Server2_frozen.txt ) do bpmedia -unfreeze -m %%a -h Server2


    Obviously substitue you media servers name and make add the full path to bpmedia if its not in your path (and path to the text files depending on where your batch file is)