Forum Discussion

SaurabhHeda's avatar
12 years ago

Getting Error 84 while taking Disk Backup

Hello Everyone,

When Backing up the G drive getting the error 84. G drive size is 410 GB and Backup data is of size 350 GB. Also the files are db files,csv,xsls,pdf etc

Master Server and Media Server OS: Windows 2003 Standard Edition service pack2

NBU Version:7.0

Client OS: Windows 2003


NBU Version:7.0

Backup is going to the Disk storage unit i.e \\D8MKXC2S\Dell_Storage(UNC path)
The backup runs fine for sometime and then it fails with 84. 

Collected bptm,bpbrm,bpbkar and below is my research.

Job details for the test policy:

4/18/2013 3:33:07 AM - requesting resource Dell_Storage
4/18/2013 3:33:07 AM - requesting resource risdelwip1.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.YBLDELDCIP2
4/18/2013 3:33:07 AM - requesting resource risdelwip1.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.YBLDELDCIP2_Daily_Weekly_Monthly_New
4/18/2013 3:33:07 AM - granted resource risdelwip1.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.YBLDELDCIP2
4/18/2013 3:33:07 AM - granted resource risdelwip1.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.YBLDELDCIP2_Daily_Weekly_Monthly_New
4/18/2013 3:33:07 AM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaaf;Path=\\D8MKXC2S\Dell_Storage;MediaServer=risdelwip1
4/18/2013 3:33:07 AM - granted resource Dell_Storage
4/18/2013 3:33:08 AM - estimated 0 Kbytes needed
4/18/2013 3:33:09 AM - started process bpbrm (324)
4/18/2013 3:33:17 AM - connecting
4/18/2013 3:33:21 AM - connected; connect time: 00:00:04
4/18/2013 3:33:30 AM - begin writing
4/18/2013 5:58:11 AM - Critical bptm(pid=4192) image write failed: error 2060017: system call failed
4/18/2013 5:58:16 AM - Critical bptm(pid=4192) sts_close_handle failed: 2060017 system call failed
4/18/2013 5:58:16 AM - Critical bptm(pid=4192) image delete failed: error 2060001: one or more invalid arguments
4/18/2013 5:58:23 AM - Error bptm(pid=4192) cannot write image to disk, Invalid argument
4/18/2013 5:58:30 AM - Error bpbrm(pid=324) cannot send mail to root on client YBLDELDCIP2
4/18/2013 5:58:30 AM - end writing; write time: 02:25:00
media write error(84)

bptm findings:

05:58:11.048 [4192.3420] <16> risdelwip1: STSImageManager: write() failed on image file \\D8MKXC2S\Dell_Storage\YBLDELDCIP2_1366236187_C1_F1.1366236187.img (error=1265, Unknown error)
05:58:11.063 [4192.3420] <16> risdelwip1: STSImageManager: Caught exception in STSIMGImageManager::WriteImage, FILE=STSIMGImage.cpp, FUNCTION=STSIMGImage::Write, LINE=785, ERROR=STS_ESYS
05:58:11.063 [4192.3420] <32> do_write_image: sts_write_image failed: byteswritten = 0, len = 32768
05:58:11.063 [4192.3420] <32> do_write_image: sts_write_image failed: error 2060017 (64158892032 32768 0)
05:58:11.079 [4192.3420] <2> set_job_details: Tfile (5196): LOG 1366244891 32 bptm 4192 image write failed: error 2060017: system call failed
05:58:11.173 [4192.3420] <32> write_data: image write failed: error 2060017: 
05:58:11.173 [4192.3420] <2> bp_sts_close_image: 0 <YBLDELDCIP2_1366236187_C1_F1 0 1> 1 4 0 1 1 0 complete flag (8)(M_FRAG_COMPLETE ), close type (1)(STS_CLOSEF_IH_COMPLETE ) 10
05:58:11.204 [4192.3420] <16> risdelwip1: STSImageManager: open() failed on image file \\D8MKXC2S\Dell_Storage\ (Unknown error)
05:58:11.204 [4192.3420] <16> risdelwip1: STSImageManager: Caught exception in STSIMGImageInfo::SetImageSize, FILE=STSIMGImageInfo.cpp, FUNCTION=STSIMGImageInfoHandle::STSIMGImageInfoHandle, LINE=1069, ERROR=STS_ESYS
05:58:16.079 [4192.3420] <16> risdelwip1: STSImageManager: open() failed on image file \\D8MKXC2S\Dell_Storage\ (Unknown error)
05:58:16.079 [4192.3420] <16> risdelwip1: STSImageManager: Caught exception in STSIMGImageManager::CloseImage, FILE=STSIMGImageInfo.cpp, FUNCTION=STSIMGImageInfoHandle::STSIMGImageInfoHandle, LINE=1069, ERROR=STS_ESYS
05:58:16.079 [4192.3420] <2> set_job_details: Tfile (5196): LOG 1366244896 32 bptm 4192 sts_close_handle failed: 2060017 system call failed
05:58:16.095 [4192.3420] <32> bp_sts_close_image: sts_close_handle failed: 2060017 
05:58:16.095 [4192.3420] <8> delete_image_disk: image close failed: error 2060017: system call failed
05:58:16.110 [4192.3420] <4> risdelwip1: STSImageManager: LSU \\D8MKXC2S\Dell_Storage does not exist.
05:58:16.110 [4192.3420] <16> risdelwip1: STSImageManager: Caught exception in STSIMGImageManager::GetImageProperties, FILE=STSIMGImageManager.cpp, FUNCTION=STSIMGImageManager::ValidateLsu, LINE=542, ERROR=STS_EINVAL
05:58:16.110 [4192.3420] <16> risdelwip1: STSBasicDisk: Caught exception in STSBasicDisk::GetImageProperties, FILE=STSBasicDisk.cpp, FUNCTION=STSBasicDisk::GetImageProperties, LINE=411, ERROR=STS_EINVAL
05:58:16.110 [4192.3420] <2> bp_sts_delete_target_image: sts_get_image_prop_byname failed: error 2060001
05:58:16.110 [4192.3420] <2> set_job_details: Tfile (5196): LOG 1366244896 32 bptm 4192 image delete failed: error 2060001: one or more invalid arguments
05:58:16.110 [4192.3420] <32> delete_image_disk_sts: image delete failed: error 2060001: 
05:58:16.110 [4192.3420] <2> ConnectionCache::connectAndCache: Acquiring new connection for host risdelwip1, query type 161
05:58:16.110 [4192.3420] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.4052: connect in progress: 0 0x00000000
05:58:16.282 [4192.3420] <2> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.2054: VN_REQUEST_SERVICE_SOCKET: 6 0x00000006
05:58:16.282 [4192.3420] <2> vnet_vnetd_service_socket: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.2068: service: bpdbm
05:58:16.282 [4192.3420] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.4238: in progress connect: 0 0x00000000
05:58:16.282 [4192.3420] <2> vnet_async_connect: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vnetd.c.4241: connect: async CONNECT FROM TO fd = 808
05:58:16.282 [4192.3420] <2> logconnections: BPDBM CONNECT FROM TO
05:58:16.282 [4192.3420] <2> NB_4192_-1648859248@VssSetLogLevel:  ++++ ENTERING ++++
05:58:16.282 [4192.3420] <4> NB_4192_-1648859248@VssSetLogLevel: (../../libVnbat/vss_auth.cpp,4798): Setting VSSLOG level to 5.
05:58:16.282 [4192.3420] <2> NB_4192_-1648859248@VssSetLogLevel:  ---- EXITING ----
05:58:16.282 [4192.3420] <2> vnet_check_vxss_client_magic_with_info: ../../libvlibs/vnet_vxss_helper.c.878: Ignoring VxSS authentication: 2 0x00000002
05:58:16.704 [4192.3420] <2> db_end: Need to collect reply
05:58:23.501 [4192.3420] <2> set_job_details: Tfile (5196): LOG 1366244903 16 bptm 4192 cannot write image to disk, Invalid argument
05:58:23.517 [4192.3420] <16> write_data: cannot write image to disk, Invalid argument
05:58:23.579 [4192.3420] <2> wait_for_sigcld: waiting for child 4352 to exit, timeout is 300
05:58:23.579 [4192.3420] <2> bptm: EXITING with status 84 <----------
05:58:23.579 [4192.3420] <2> cleanup: Detached from BPBRM shared memory

bpbrm findings

05:58:25.845 [324.6292] <2> bpbrm check_for_terminate: exit_status = 84
05:58:25.845 [324.6292] <2> bpbrm check_for_terminate: child exit abnormal - status = 84
05:58:25.861 [324.6292] <2> bpbrm kill_child_process_Ex: start
05:58:25.861 [324.6292] <2> inform_client_of_status: INF - Server status = 84

bpbkar findings
5:58:26.093 AM: [3192.1608] <16> tar_tfi::processException:
5:58:26.093 AM: [3192.1608] <2> tar_base::V_vTarMsgW: FTL - socket write failed

Also found that the same backup is failing with error code network read failed(42)

Please suggest.



  • Are you able to copy files from the Master server to the share ?

    What is the Netbackup service set to on the master server ?

    Have you tried to delete and recreate the cifs share ?