getting Info nbjm (pid=xxxx) Waiting in NetBackup scheduler work queue on server <master server> has been updated.
There is serious issue i am facing in my environment with respect to RMAN oracle backup
newly generated streems remain in queue for long time though netbackup resources are available
01/07/2015 23:19:45 - requesting resource nbu_master.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.RMAN_FCRM10DB_ARCHIVE
<= skipped =>
01/07/2015 23:45:45 - Info nbjm (pid=13731) Waiting in NetBackup scheduler work queue on server xxxxxxxx
it waited approximatly 25 min if a backup with 50 streems and each streem wait for such long time resulted into large backup window please suggest
i found below tech note but can not co relate to this
Master server - Solaris 10 / netbackup
Total RMAN policy - 800