Ghost Jobs - NBU 6.5.6 Windows
Hi Team,
Its been for long time, we are experiancing GHOST JOBs in the activity monitor. The Job state is "unknown" and shows sign of a "failed job". Cancelling the job from GUI never helped, so we do the below steps as workaround. But this never resolved the problem and its reoccurs again.
1. stop NetBackup
2. bpps , kill the remaining processes
3. cd to veritas\netbackup\db\jobs
4. delete the bpjobd.act.db file
5. cd up to the restart folder
6. delete all files
7. cd..\trylogs
8. delete all files
9. cd..\ffilelogs
10. delete all files
Server : Windows 2003 x64 EE | NBU 6.5.6
Can anyone share your fixes for this problem if you had encountered.
Symantec has FINALLY acknowledged this problem as a bug:
4 possible reasons with workarounds are described in this TN.