Forum Discussion

gcbus's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

GPFS filesystem backup and restore

Hi guys!


We're running Netbackup (writing out to Puredisk 6.6.5 and NBU Appliances).

We have some SAP-HANA boxes from IBM. Our problem is that whilst the SAP-HANA Netbackup policies backup and restore ok, we have issues with the filesystem (standard type) backups and restores of the IBM GPFS filesystems. As far as I am aware, GPFS is NOT POSIX compliant and as such is not supported by Symantec. We are in contact with Symantec about this.

GPFS file systems use .quota files which Netbackup can backup but cannot restore correctly. This causes the filesystem space used/allocated to be wrong and then causes the SAP-HANA OpSys to have problems with the filesystem. Other than .quota files, all other files are restored correctly. IBM's SAP-HANA uses a version of Suse Linux (10.4) as its backbone.

Does anyone have a procedure that they use to successfully backup and restore GPFS filesystems?

Many thanks,






  • GPFS is not yet included in File System Compatibility list.  See page 62: Updated: 2014-05-16

    Please subscribe to the above link so that u can receive notifications on the updates if any


    I see that by mounting GPFS partition as NFS on the same host may fix the issue and cover the support piece as well;


    You can also vote up for the below idea for the same issue

    All the best. Hope it helps ;)





  • GPFS is not yet included in File System Compatibility list.  See page 62: Updated: 2014-05-16

    Please subscribe to the above link so that u can receive notifications on the updates if any


    I see that by mounting GPFS partition as NFS on the same host may fix the issue and cover the support piece as well;


    You can also vote up for the below idea for the same issue

    All the best. Hope it helps ;)





  • Many thanks - NFS would appear to be the way to go for the time being. Time for some testing!

