Granular restore can't browse backed up objects
Today I discovered something rather strange with no, apparently, explanation. Someone asked me to restore an e-mail from a backed up mailbox. I'm using netbackup 7.1 and I have the exchange servers with granular backups. When I started to browse the objects of the backup I realized that I couldn't, i mean, I see the main objects, but I can't see the granular ones (the mailboxes and the e-mails).
What I find strange is that this behaviour is not verified on the objects if my last backup (April 30th), but it happens from on all the backups that happened before that.
Did I made myself clear? Hope so ;)
Is this behaviour normal? Do you know what logs could I use.
The master is running on a RHEL 5 64bits.
Please see below and verify its configured like this.
Disabling the cataloging for duplications of Exchange backups using Granular Recovery Technology (GRT)
Unlike a duplication of a backup that uses Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) from tape to disk, duplication of the same backup from disk to tape takes extra time. NetBackup requires this extra time to catalog the granular Exchange information. You can choose not to catalog the granular information so that the duplication is performed more quickly. However, then users are not able to browse for individual items on the image that was duplicated to tape if the disk copy expires.
During the duplication process, NetBackup writes log entries periodically to show the progress of the job.
To disable the cataloging of Exchange backups using Granular Recovery Technology 1 On the master server, open the NetBackup Administration Console. 2 In the left pane, expand Host Properties. 3 Click Master Servers.
4 In the right pane, right-click the master server click Properties.
5 Click General Server.
6 Uncheck Enable message-level cataloging when duplicating Exchange images that use Granular Recovery Technology.
7 Click OK.