Forum Discussion

admin_bkp007's avatar
8 months ago

Help - Upgrade Netbackup for v10.4.0.1

Hi, guys, I'm trying to do upgrade NBU 10.3 for v10.4.0.1 but I'm not able, my Visual C++ is update, services NBU are disable, what I missing here?



  • The message says x86  AND x64

    So I guess you need to upgrade the x86 C++ too!

  • Hi There

    Just so I am understandding your statement correctly. Visual C++ from the screen shot is at the correct version, but why have you disabled the netbackup services? Or ddo you mean that they are cuurently n the stopped state. Can you post the install log so we can get a better picture of what is happening during the upgrade phase. Have you rebooted the server and tried the upgrade again?

  • Hi
    Slartybardfast I always stop nbu services before do upgrade, but I already tested with services UP and display the same screen I posted here.

    I don't have post log because just stop in that screen and I can do nothing more, yes I rebooted server 3 times, so I don't know what I missing.