Forum Discussion

  • NAME
    bpverify - verify the backups created by NetBackup.
    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpverify [-l] [-p] [-pb] [-v]
    [-client name] [-st sched_type] [-sl sched_label] [-L
    output_file] [-class name] [-s mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss] [-e
    mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss] [-M master_server] [-Bidfile
    file_name] [-ct class_type] [-hoursago hours] [-cn copy
    number] [-backupid backup_id] [-id media_id | path]
    bpverify verifies the contents of one or more backups by reading the backup volume and comparing its contents to the NetBackup catalog. This operation does not compare the data on the volume with the contents of the client disk. However, it does read each block in the image, thus verifying that the volume is readable. NetBackup verifies only one backup at a time and tries to minimize media mounts and positioning time.
    If either -Bidfile or -backupid is specified, bpverify uses this option as the sole criterion for selecting the set of backups it will verify. If the command line does not contain -Bidfile or -backupid, then bpverify selects the backups that satisfy all the selection options. For instance, if the command line looks like
    bpverify -ct Standard -hoursago 10
    then bpverify verifies the set of backups with class type Standard that have been run in the past 10 hours. If -p or -pb is specified, bpverify previews the set of backups that meet the selection criteria. In this case, bpverify displays the backup IDs, but does not perform the verification.
    bpverify sends its error messages to stderr. bpverify sends a log of its execution to the NetBackup admin log file for the current day.
    This command requires root privileges. For more information on verifying backups, see your NetBackup system administrator’s guide.

    -Bidfile file_name
    file_name specifies a file that contains a list of backup IDs to be verified. The file contains one backup ID per line. If this option is specified, other selection criteria are ignored. The default is no file of backup Ids, meaning any backup can be verified.
    -backupid backup_id
    Specifies the backup ID of a single backup to verify. This option takes precedence over any other selection criteria except -Bidfile. The default is any backup.
    -class name
    Search for backups to verify in the specified class. The default is any class.
    -client name
    Specifies the name of the client that produced the original backup. The default is any client.
    -cn copy_number
    Copy number (1 or 2) of the backup ID to verify. The default copy number is 1.
    -ct class_type
    Specifies the class type for selecting backups to verify. The default is any class type.
    The valid class types are the following:
    -e mm/dd/yyyy [hh[:mm[:ss]]]
    Specifies the end of the time range for selecting backups to verify. The -s option or the -hoursago option specifies the start of the range. The date and time format depend on the user’s locale. For more information, see locale(1).
    The default ending time is the current date and time.
    Prints a synopsis of command usage when -help is the only option on the command line.
    -hoursago hours
    Specifies the number of hours before the current time to search for backups. This is equivalent to specifying a start time (-s) of the current time minus hours. Do not use both this option and the -s option. Hours is a non-negative integer. The default starting time is 24 hours ago.
    -id media_id | path
    Search the image catalog for backups to verify that are on this media ID or pathname. If a backup has some fragments on this media ID and some fragments on another media ID, NetBackup skips verifying that backup.
    For images stored on disk rather than removable media, specify an absolute pathname instead of media_id. The default is any media ID or pathname.
    -L output_file
    Specifies the name of a file in which to write progress information. The default is to not use a progress file, in which case the progress information is written to stderr. For additional information, see DISPLAY FORMATS later in this command description.
    -l Specifies that the list type is long, causing bpverify to write additional information to the progress log. The default list type is short. For additional information, see DISPLAY FORMATS later in this command description.
    -M master_server
    Specifies the master server that provides the bpverify image data. The master server must allow access by the system issuing the bpverify command. The default is the master server for the system where bpverify is entered:
    For NetBackup BusinesServer:
    The default is always the master server where the command is entered. For NetBackup DataCenter:
    If the command is entered on a master server, then that server is the default.
    If the command is entered on a remote media server, then the master for that media server is the default.
    -p Previews the verification, but does not perform the verification. For additional information, see DISPLAY FORMATS later in this command description.
    -pb Previews the verification but does not perform the verification. This is similar to the -p option, but -pb does not display information about the individual backups. For additional information, see DISPLAY FORMATS later in this command description.
    -s mm/dd/yyyy [hh[:mm[:ss]]]
    Specifies the start of the range of dates and times that include all backups to verify. The -e option specifies the end of the range. The date and time format depend on the user’s locale. For more information, see locale(1). The default is 24 hours ago.
    -sl sched_label
    Search for backups to verify that were created by the specified schedule. The default is all schedules.
    -st sched_type
    Search for backups to verify that were created by the specified schedule type. The default is any schedule type.
    Valid values are:
    FULL (full backup)
    INCR (differential-incremental backup)
    CINC (cumulative-incremental backup)
    UBAK (user backup)
    UARC (user archive)
    NOT_ARCHIVE (all backups except user archive)
    -v Selects verbose mode. When -v is specified, the debug and progress logs include more information. The default is not verbose.
    bpverify runs a preview by searching for backups and displaying them. bpverify does not actually verify the backups.
    u The -p display lists backup IDs that meet the criteria set by the bpverify command-line options. The -p display is ordered by volume. For each volume containing a selected backup, the media ID and server are displayed, followed by the selected backup Ids that reside on that volume
    u The -pb display is a brief version of the -p display. It lists the media ID and server for each volume that contains backups that meet the selection criteria.
    bpverify creates these displays as it verifies images. If the bpverify command line contains no option to set the list format, the display format is short. If the command line contains -l, the display format is long. If the command line contains both -l and -L, bpverify creates a file containing the progress log. The verification display is ordered by volume.
    u In long format, bpverify displays the following information for each selected backup ID: Class, schedule, backup ID, media ID or path, and creation time Files backed up Any problems that bpverify detects while verifying the image Whether the image verification is successful or not
    u In short format, bpverify omits listing the files backed up.
    The format that you must use for date and time values in NetBackup commands vary according to your locale setting. The examples in this command description are for a locale setting of C. If you are uncertain of the NetBackup command requirements for your locale, enter the command with the -help option and check the USAGE.
    For example:
    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpverify -help
    bpverify: [-l] [-p] [-pb] [-v] [-client <name>]
    [-st <sched_type>] [-sl <sched_label>] [-L <output_file>]
    [-class <name>] [-s mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss] [-e mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss]
    [-M master_server]

    [-Bidfile <file_name>]
    [-ct <class_type>] [-hoursago <hours>] [-cn <copy number>]
    [-backupid <backup_id>] [-id <media_id or path>]
    Notice the month/day/year and hours:minutes:seconds requirements for the -s and -e
    options. These are for a locale setting of C and can be different for other locales. For more information on locale, see the locale(1) man page for your system.

  • Thanks.But what this command exactly does.I have read this command man page.when it will give error.?I mean at what scenario ,it will give an error?

  • Hi,


    This note has some examples and talks about the return codes.



    Basically, if its status 0 all is well, if its anything else it will give a specific reason for the failure.


    It will error if it cannot read the image on disk. If the File  System is maybe corrupt it will error, if the image file is corrupt (after an infection by virus) it will error, if the image is located on remote (CIFS/NFS) disks and it cannot access the disk (due to network communication failure) it will error.



  • You can run it if you feel the need to verify the consistency of the images on your disk / tapes. In some cases this might be a requirement if you keep data for a long period like X years. After X years you might want to read the disk/tape to see if it is still in a good condition so you can be sure that you can restore your data.

  • Thanks Riann.1.what case it can be inconsistent except for long years.


    2.Here what exactly consistency means?

  • I already described the issues, it will happen if the disk is damaged, or the tape is damaged.


    Inconsistent meaning broken, unusuable.


  • It happens when your system (not netbackup) is having issues - this includes hardware issues