How Differential Backup takes Reference
Please help to clear my doubt on below query.
1. We triggered a full backup manually for a server 'ClientA' on Monday morning and it completed on thursday morning successfully (Policy name: Fileserver_ClientA).
2. We triggered differential incremental backup manually for the same server 'ClientA' on Saturday morning and it got completed within 2 hours. (Policy name : Fileserver_ClientA).
3. But, in between a scheduled full backup started automatically on Friday and completed on Monday for the same server 'ClientA' (Policy name : NewServer_ClientA).
Now, my question is...
The differential backup which was triggered on saturday will consider the changes happened after the first full backup (point 1) or the recent full backup (point 3). Here the client name is same for both policies, but policy name differes.
Please provide your comments.
Thanks & Regards,
Raja V