How to configure Netbackup off-host alternate backup for HP EVA using HP VSS and SSSU
I am just wondering if there is anyone in this forum that caan assist me with clarification on the setup requirements to implement Netbackup "off-host alternate backup for windows client with presented LUN on the HP EVA 6x00 using the VSS and netbackup flashbackup policy.
It is not clear from symantec guides.The document only mentioned to contact HP regarding the configuration of the tools required.In the requirements, symantec stated HP VSS and SSSU , but i dont to know how and where(is it on the alternate client which is the media server or on the primary client whose lun needs to be backuped or on both)to configure this.Will appreciate if any one could define the steps to achieve this configuration or point me to relevant documentation.
We use netbackup enterprise 6.5.4 with snapshot client and the servers are windows 2008
It most definately needs to go on both - NBU needs to call SSSU commands/utilies.
No scripts are needed - as long as the SSSU software is installed and the array credentials are added, the policy will call the neccessary SSSU commands to create the snapshot and present it to the media server.
You might want work with your HP array support team to test the utilities manually before trying to automate it with a backup policy.
Please check snapshot options in the policy carefully - details in Snapshot Admin Guide, p.172.
Also create all the necessary log directories to troubleshoot initial 'teething problems'. bpfis is a must.
I remember that our first attempt failed - we could see in the log that connection to the <array-name> failed. The HP support person realized that only half of the array name was displayed in the bpfis log. The problem was that there was a space in the 'array-name'. They renamed the array so that there was no space, we again configured array credentials, and subsequent backup was successful.