Forum Discussion

kproehl's avatar
Level 5
15 years ago

How to configure NetBackup so a job only writes to one tape drive

We are running NetBackup 6.5.5 on Windows 2003 for our master and media servers.  I want to change Multiplexing and multistreaming seetings on our media servers so that only one backup job goes to one tape head at a time.

What combination of multiplexing and multistreaming would i need to change to accomplish that?

  • to be running at any one time then the only sure-fire way to ensure that only one job writes to a drive at any one time would be to amend it at the Storage Unit level.

    Reasoning: all things being equal (retention levels etc etc) if you have more than one policy/schedule to run & you have dropped all settings down to a minimum (multiple data streams, limit jobs per policy, media multiplexing), then the maximum number of jobs/streams potentially active would be one per policy. Therefore the number of active jobs writing to a tape here would be dependent upon the number of policies.

    The only way to ensure a one job/drive scenario would be to amend it at the STU level (un-tick Enable Multiplexing) - the common denominator.