Forum Discussion

Marek_sk's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

How to exclude "system state"

does anyone know how to add "system state" to exclude list on client with windows NT 2003? I have NetBackup 5.1
  • Instead of putting in the backup selection list the directive ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES which is having SCC try to explicit name the drives/folders You want to backup, ie:

    etc. Such backup selection list for sure will not include the SCC!
  • Following is the syntax which you can try to exclude the shadow copy components from the backup.

    The correct syntax to use to exclude the SYSTEM_STATE from Windows 2000/XP clients is 'System_State' or 'System_State:\' (without the quotes).

    The correct syntax to use to exclude Shadow Copy Components from Windows 2003 clients is 'Shadow Copy Components' (without the quotes).
  • 1. open the netbackup administration console
    2. expand the host properties
    3. select the client from the client area
    4. Open the properties for the client
    5. expand the windows client +
    6. select exclude lists
    7. click add under the exclude list (you can select which policies are relevant)
    8. under the files/directories add "Shadow Copy Components:\" no quotes

  • Instead of putting in the backup selection list the directive ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES which is having SCC try to explicit name the drives/folders You want to backup, ie:

    etc. Such backup selection list for sure will not include the SCC!
  • 1 open NBU console go on left side
    2 host properties>> clients
    3 double click client
    4 on client properties window left side open windows client
    5 exclude list click upper add box mention policy ,schedule and PATH which u want to exclude from backup.
  • i have done it exactly like u wrote but it is not work. I tried it on another client with system state and client with SCC but with without any result.
    i have in policy allow multiple date streams, so i can see jobs for system state and each partition separatly.
    I dont wrote one important thing that client server has windows NT 2008 but in netbackup is define as win NT 2003 (highest version of Win NT in our Netbackup 5.1)

    1.  Is possible exclude system state if u have define in policy allow multiple data streams?
    2.  Is possible backup system state for Windows NT 2008?
  • Hi Marek,

    You have couple issues here:

    1. Per the latest "NetBackup 5.x Operating System Compatibility (updated July 16 2007)", NetBackup 5.1 does not support Windows 2008 client.  As a matter of fact, Windows 2008 client was not supported until NBU 6.5.2 - follow link below to see that in "NetBackup (tm) 6.x Operating System Compatibility List (Updated April 22, 2009)"

    2. The End of Standard Support for NetBackup 5.1 was March 31st 2008 and the End of Support Life is December 1st 2008.  This has been officially announced a while ago.

    So I guess you installed NetBackup 5.1 (probably w/ MP7) client on the Windows 2003 machine?  The backup may work, but there is no guarantee since it's not officially supported in NetBackup 5.1.

    I'd suggest you either upgrade to (6.5.2 at least), or try configure the backup policy with drives or directories explicitly listed in the "Backup Selections" list.