How to manually switch between "3Way NDMP" restore and "Remote NDMP" restore???
The issue we experienced as an example:
Here is our environment:
Media 1
DataDomain VTL
1 Pool created on DataDomain : 1 Robot and 50 VTL drives.
We had 5 different access groups:
Media 1 – was presented to drives 1-10
NAS1 – 11-20
NAS2 – 21-30
NAS3 – 31-40
NAS4 – 41-50
NAS5 – didn’t have any local drives zoned to it.
We have made a Remote NDMP backup for NAS5. So the backup was sent via LAN to Media 1 and then used one of drives (1-10) attached to Media 1
Backup completed successfully.
Then we decided to restore to same NAS5 (that’s what we were troubleshooting all this time):
The restore process was started as 3Way Restore and NBU takes drives from other NAS filers (21-50) and mounts our tape to it.
BUT filers do not have network visibility between each other, hence the restore process was failing with cannot connect on socket!
We have tried 10-15 times to restore and every time restore was considered as 3 Way Restore and allocated all these locally zoned drives from different NAS filers , though the Media server has 10 drives which MAY do a remote NDMP restore.
Things are getting even worse afterwards:
We decided to present these drives from NAS filers (21-50) to our Media 1 host, we have managed to do so and so our environment now looks like this:
Media 1 – was presented to drives 1-50
NAS1 – 11-20
NAS2 – 21-30
NAS3 – 31-40
NAS4 – 41-50
NAS5 – still didn’t have any local drives zoned to it.
We try to do a restore again, and again it’s a 3WAY Restore. NetBackup still considers all drives as attached to NAS filers though now ALL 50 have been locally attached to media and Remote NDMP restore should be 100% possible.
The only workaround that helped us is the downing of all drives (21-50) which were presented to those NAS filers, and only after that NBU changed restore type to Remote NDMP. (And this workaround is totally not an option)
So the question is: how to manually change types of NDMP restore?
By default, mds in NBU will prefer ndmp tape servers over nbu media servers when selecting drive paths for restore/duplication jobs.
This is the reason why you see this behaviour.
This preference can be reversed per media server by making changes to the 'prefer_ndmp_path_for_restore' nbemmcmd option.
Default setting would be something like this - PREFER_NDMP_PATH_FOR_RESTORE="yes"
To change the behaviour run the below. The settings is per media server
nbemmcmd -machinename <MEDIA SERVER HOSTNAME> -changesetting -PREFER_NDMP_PATH_FOR_RESTORE no