How to restore data to another master server.
original :there is a master server & media server ,the name is A and the OS is AIX。The client is B and the os is AIX too.
Destination:the master server & media server is C, the OS is AIX.
Now I want to restore B to C and the catalog of the C is not expired.I don't want to restore catalog from the can you help how to archive this?
ofcourse yes..
you have 3 ways to achive this..
1) it will only work if you have good communication form the Master/media A to client C
a) check the communication of client C from Master/media A
b) add client C in one of the test policy in the Master server A
c) add the measter and media server of A entiers in client C
d) trigger the alternate clietnt restore where source client is B and destination client is C
2) using Import
ship the tapes into the Master/media B controled libraty if the images are in tape, it not in tape duplicate them into tape and shit
using import to create the catalog and do the restore
3) Recovery with out import
folllow the below T/N