How to start image cleanup fo HWM from cmd
does anybody know the command for starting image cleanup which affects image deletion on AdvancedDisk Pools for freeing space till LWM?
Our customer wants to start image cleanup AD pools before HWM is reached. But "bpimage -cleanup -allclients" does not clean images on AD....
Providing there are un-duplicated images, you can start a 'manual' relocation to the other STU using :
bpbackup -dssu <dssu storage unit> -S <master server>
.. but all this does is start any dups tat haven't yet started, you can get the same effect by increaseing the frequencu of the staging schedule - though this is only configerable to a min freq of every 1 hour.
So running this from say cron, would allow more frequent duplications to start, providing there are some completed backups to duplicate.
There is however, no way to start the HWM clean down from the command line.
If the above doesn;t help. I can only suggest you have reched the point where you need to add more disk, as what you have is insufficient for your needs.