How to stop NB from downing drives?
I have VTL's so i dont want netbackup to down drives after x number of failures. Anyone know where this setting is located? Or if it's even configurable?
NB 7.0.1 - OREL4 master
Settings exist in EMM database for each media server.
Check as follows: nbemmcmd -listsettings -machinename <media-server>
Look for:
TIME_WINDOW="12"change with:
nbemmcmd -changesetting -DRIVE_ERROR_THRESHOLD <number> -machinename <media-server>
nbemmcmd -changesetting -TIME_WINDOW <number> -machinename <media-server>I suggest you increase the error threshold and reduce the time window.
See NetBackup Commands for full details.
Changing the values to effictively disable NBU Downing the drives might just mask possible hardware problems - VTL's DO experience hardware problems from time to time!