I want to upgrade netbackup master server to
Dear Friends,
I have to upgrade my netbackup master server from to and it is in VCS any tech note or guid on that describe step by step to perform this task
or what prerequsite need to be checkd before upgrade Storage Foundattion version is 6.0.1
Thanks You!!
The Upgrade Guide and Installation Guides will help you:
NetBackup 7.6 Upgrade Guide
NetBackup Installation Guide
The Upgrade Guide contains information about upgrade of clustered master server, as well as this manual:
NetBackup Clustered Master Server Administrator's GuideUse Sort and Upgrade portal for additional info and to verify requirements and compatibility:
Sort: https://sort.symantec.com/checklist/install
Upgrade portal: http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH74584
Check the new Performance Tuning Guide to verify sufficient resources on master and media servers: http://www.symantec.com/docs/DOC7449
You'll need to upgrade the SFWHA to 6.0.1 first, then upgrade / install (Did it last month while also building a new cluster with new hardware and new node name).
Just follow all the notes and check the prerequisites as per Marianne's post.