Forum Discussion

mfeserg's avatar
Level 2
7 months ago

Image cleanup doesn't delete files

We have a problem with the Image Cleanup jobs. Each time it completes with the status "1: (1) The requested operation was partially successful."
Detailed status has string "Warning bpdbm (pid=17018) nbdelete failed with status (12)"
NetBackup doesn't delete files from staging folders anymore.
bpdbm log file doesn't give me useful information. The only thing I see there that I think is related is:
"<2> process_request: request complete: exit status 12 file open failed; query type: 72 (Q_IMAGE_DELETE)"
High watermark 1%, low watermark 0%
NetBackup is
All image files have ownership root:root. I tried to change user's ownership to a special account I set to run NetBackup, it didn't help.

Also as far as I undersand NetBackup writes data to tapes, but just cannot clean the staging folders for some reasons. Will it be a bad idea to delete the files manually?

Thank you.

  • I would check output of nbdelete -list

    Then check if files listed exist.   Cleanup can fail if it fails to find a fragment that no longer exists.


    If you manually delete files you would need to use nbdelete to purge the deleted fragments so netbackup doesn't keep trying to do it..


    Permissions could still be the issue if you have switched to use a non root service account.  You need to not only check the permissions on the files in the staging area but also the staging folder, to delete a file the user needs read, write and execute permission on the folder.  


    Nbcc isn't going to help with disk based images, it just checks inconsistencies between the media database and image database.


    There used to be a command nbcatsync that could check contents of enterprise disk against the catalog.. not sure if that supports basic disk though ..

  • Hey

    To me it looks like some DB inconsistency. If I were you I would have started with more verbose for bpdbm, ie BPDBM_VERBOSE=5 in bp.conf or just VERBOSE=5 in the same file.

    Based on these outcomes maybe I would played with the nbcc

    If you will be clueless please open a case with support.

  • Thank you StoneRam-Simon and quebek

    As quebek advised I have run NBCC utility and it says:
    I have opened a support case.

    "Then check if files listed exist.   Cleanup can fail if it fails to find a fragment that no longer exists."
    There are lot of files. It will take me some time.
    So far, it looks like I have an opposite situation. The file exists, but there is probably nothing in catalog.
    When I run 'bpimagelist -backupid <backup_ID> -l' for the one of existing files, the output was 'no entity was found'.