Import, Expire, Import again.. Possible?
Hi there,
I happened to Import one backup image which was actually not complete in the storage. The backup image is the result of a Data Domain replication, and now it is complete, unlike when the first time I tried to import. What happened to me is:
- Imported without the image was complete. IIRC, I got no errors.
- Tried to Restore from that backup image, Got a complain from NBU, telling me there was nothing there.
- Checked Re-importing is impossible, then Expired the image.
- Ran an Image Cleanup (from command line). Actually left one full day pass.
- The backup image is not shown anymore on the Catalog section (I use actions "Verify" and "Duplicate" to do the search).
- I cannot import it again. When I try to do Import like the first time, I am missing the backup image.. But I know it is there!
Does NetBackup know what is the history behind that backup image (Import + Expire) and due to that it is not letting me Import it again?
Thanks to All in advance for your help.
Hi, mnolan and All,
Finally uninstalled both NBU and DDBoost plug-in 2.6.2. Then installed NBU and DDBoost plug-in I think versions are not the most important here, but merely the fact that software was uninstalled and installed again.
Then tried again. Phase I went well: no skipped images. Phase II did not (plug-in error; 228). Googled again and launched good old bpimage -cleanup -allclients. After that, thanks God, I could see my beloved backup image ready for Import, and Import is ongoing now. I am now Full listing output like it was a TV ;)
Sorry to have finished like this. Digging more into NBU+DD would have been better, but I was running out of time and lucky enough to be able to wipe out this NBU installation and start over.
Thanks and Greetings to all!