Forum Discussion

Youness's avatar
Level 3
2 years ago

import/copy NBU images between OST storage unit on tow NBU servers


we have the following env.

NBU 10.2 installed on server srv1 (windows server 2019)

srv1 is connected to two OST devices: ost1 and ost2,
ost1 has a storage unit containing yearly backup images.

we are successfully duplicating yearly images from ost1 to ost2 through srv1.

my question is: if I install NBU 10.2 on a new NBU server "srv2", can I present the storage unit ost1 to srv2 and import yearly images to srv2?
is that possible? catalog of srv2 will recognize and import the yearly images created by srv1 into ost1?

  • yes it is possible.
    For third party OST (datadomain, storeonce etc) just configure the OST device and start import.

    • Youness's avatar
      Level 3

      thank you for the reply,

      we actually applied that, added the ost1 to srv2 (storage unit created with the same name), but when we try to perform the "initiate import" and import. no images are detected!

  • I've done it with storeonce. You only have to use the same username and password.
    For datadomain I imagine that you have to select the same mtree and not create a new one.

  • there is no use for Mtree, only storage units

    yearly data was written by srv1 into ost1, i need this yearly data to be recognized/imported by srv2 when I attach ost1 to it.

    srv2 is a new NBU 10.2 server installation, it doesnt have the same catalog of srv1.