Forum Discussion

garry_m's avatar
Level 3
16 years ago

Importing BE

I am running Netbackup 5.1 MP2 on Solaris 9.
I'm trying to run the phase 1 import on a backup exec tape.  The tape arrived unlabelled, so I slapped a new unused label on and inventoried it in the robot.
When I run the phase 1 import, I receive a status code 176 and the error states "Error bptm Mount of Backup Exec media with id 000081 having Media Manager volume database GUID {xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx} was requested, but GUID {87a409fe-35e8-499b-969e-3a284544b30e} was found on tape.  Must update GUID of 000081 in Media Manager volume database and retry."
How do I update the GUID?

  • Agree with colin. Anyway try this,
    Run the following command....
    vmchange -g 87a409fe-35e8-499b-969e-3a284544b30e -m <media_id>
    then retry the import.
    Hope this helps
  • As this appears to be an issue with NetBackup more than with BE, you might want to ask this question in the NetBackup forums
  • Agree with colin. Anyway try this,
    Run the following command....
    vmchange -g 87a409fe-35e8-499b-969e-3a284544b30e -m <media_id>
    then retry the import.
    Hope this helps