Improve Exchange DAG backup performance
Hi All,
We are backing up Exchange 2010 DAGs and it takes more than 27 hours to complete data sizew 4TB (70-80 MBps). Is there a way to speed up the backup performance?
The system environment:
- 3 exchange servers, MBX1 (active), MBX2 (active) and MBX-DR (passive copy).
- Using a virtual name as backup client name in the NBU setting, MBX-DR as DAG backup prefer server.
- Backup using LAN to Master server which tape library connected to.
- No backup multistream enabled.
Here is my questions?
- Is it possible to set up MBX-DR as NBU media server? Is it support my Exchange environement?
- Is the multistreaming backup could improve the backup speed?
Your recommendation is appreciated. Thank you.
You were asking about Multistreaming in your opening post.
Have you tried it yet?I find that Multistreaming provides 'quick win' while other performance issues outside of NBU are being investigated and addressed.